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hellothere, (edited ) in Why don't public restroom stalls have OPEN/OCCUPIED indicators like porta potties do?

They do in the UK - where are you?

bigbluealien, avatar

Yeah I don't think I've ever seen one without, but being red-green colour blind I wish most didn't only use those colours


Often but not always in Germany too

Emberlynx, in What's an amusing thing to say before going under general anesthesia?

“Good luck, we’re all counting on you”


Then say it again when you wake up

halferect, in Why wasn't NYC's Central Park concept copied by other cities?

They didn’t set it aside, they displaced people to make a park.


I’m honestly surprised that they haven’t followed up by just allowing the city to gradually eat the park.

justhach, in Do you know of any obscure useful websites? avatar

This site will show you how to tackle any stain.


This wording always has me imagining beefy American footballers tackling stained carpets.


Sadly, today I was greeted with this message: We have discontinued our stain solution website.

Seraph, in What cheap tool/gadget do you use that greatly improves your daily life? avatar


b3an, avatar

I think many people assume it’s those seats. Like in Japan… at least I did. But this is not correct, not all of them are. In my country we use these ‘wands’ which work when you turn on the sink faucet. Has a little finger trigger. It’s very convenient, clean. I’ll never go back!!

b3an, avatar
comfy, avatar
b3an, avatar

Haven’t tried it… 🤣… but if it squirts, it works? 🤔


Bum gun?


And great for doing dishes and washing vegetables!

b3an, avatar

Plz no… 😝


In a lot of places, a bidet refers to the whole integrated rig, the $30 under the seat things are washlets and the hand sprayer is advertised as a cloth diaper sprayer.


Back in time, a long time ago, when I was 19 and spent about a year traveling abroad, I learned that a bidet in the bathroom isn’t a standard everywhere. Couldn’t understand why.

s3rvant, avatar

Love my Luxe!


I just bought one… you’re personally responsible for my absolute joy…or will receive all of my hate. I’ll update

s3rvant, avatar

Fair warning: this will (further) ruin public restrooms


Seriously-- I kinda wanted one for a long time, but I just assumed they were expensive. They are not. You can install it yourself. If you do so, you will never go back, and it will change your life for the better.


Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

Why did I read this in Ryan Reynolds’ voice? Even had that moment at the end where he looks directly into the camera.


I hate when hotels don’t have bidets, I really wish it was as common as toilets

inlandempire, in What are some must have Firefox plugins? avatar
Gigan, avatar

Oh my god there’s an add-on to block Youtube shorts?!?


Description says it plays then in the normal video screen. Don’t see the point, maybe someone can fill me in.


The shorts are usually in vertical and narrow for a phone so I suspect it changes that?


Youtube’s default player will now resize the viewport depending on the aspect ratio of the content, so I suspect it would do the same for vertical video

mcqtom, (edited )

Shorts are weird. They don’t respond to keyboard controls like K for play/pause, arrow keys to scrub and change volume, you can’t actually scrub at all. I’m pretty sure you can’t see what channel posted them or when? Play them in the regular window and voila, normals ass YouTube video. Just short.


You can also do it with some simple rules in uBlock Origin.


Thanks for the list, and links. That was very helpful, and super easy.


But most of these are not must haves. Like, SteamDB?

inlandempire, (edited ) avatar

“a list of those i have installed” is probably not must have for you indeed 😅


You don’t need an addon for blocking YouTube Shorts, you can also just use these uBlock Origin rules

inlandempire, avatar

Wow that’s great, thanks for sharing !!


There are many addons you can replace with uBlock Origin

inlandempire, avatar

One add-on to rule them all


It’s often actually the only addon I install in my browser. But usually I like to keep a few other things like LibRedirect, Dark Reader, Bitwarden and OneTab around.

Dehydrated, (edited )

I looked through your list and found 2 other addons that you can replace with uBO. The first is Consent-O-Matic, you can configure Firefox to automatically block all 3rd-party cookies and use the following lists in uBO to block the cookie popups and notices: “AdGuard/uBO - Cookie Notices” (It’s pre-installed in uBlock Origin, you just need to enable it in the settings) and this one:

You can also replace the ClearURL addon with the “AdGuard URL Tracking Protection” list, it’s also pre-installed, just enable it.

You might gain a little bit of extra speed by disabling/removing those 2 unnecessary addons, and it will definitely minimize your browser fingerprint, making you less susceptible to tracking

Edit: You can also replace Bypass Paywalls Clean with this list:…/bpc-paywall-filter.txt. I also recommend this list in addition to the other one:…/antipaywall.txt. Also install Violentmonkey and this userscript:…/bpc.en.user.js

unabatedshagie, avatar

The antipaywall link leads to a 404 page.


Fixed the link. GitLab is doing some weird stuff with links I guess.

inlandempire, (edited ) avatar

Man you took your personal time to give me additional advice, you really didn’t have to, i appreciate it, thank you so much ❤️

I believe Firefox now does what ClearURL advertises (removing tracking elements in URLs), but I’m not sure I’ll have to check again


I enjoy helping people out, when I have some free time. Otherwise I would waste my time scrolling on Tiktok or Instagram Reels lol.

I believe Firefox now does what ClearURL advertises (removing tracking elements in URLs), but I’m not sure I’ll have to check again

Yes, they added such a feature in version 120 I believe, but I would still use the uBlock list. The performance impact is not noticeable at all, it doesn’t hurt. But the ClearURL extension is kinda unnecessary.

inlandempire, avatar

Good to know, thanks again!

pineapplelover, (edited )

Clean urls breaks a lot of things so I don’t use it anymore. You can delete trackers if need be by yourself (usually everything after “ref” or everything after “?”

I would also like to add:

Ublock Origin with Javascript enable by default in settings

Container Tabs

Tree Style tabs



Privacy Badger

Dark Background and Light Text

Tampermonkey (use to redirect to old reddit to view without JS using ublock)


firefox has a built in function to “copy link without site tracking” now.

firefox also has total cookie protection which may (more may not) make Container Tabs kinda moot ?

tal, (edited ) in Countries that let anyone in? avatar

Well, “liveable” is going to be somewhat-subjective.

Examples of open borders


Uniquely, the Norwegian special territory of Svalbard is an entirely visa-free zone. No person requires a visa or residence permit and anyone may live and work in Svalbard indefinitely, regardless of citizenship. The Svalbard Treaty grants treaty nationals equal right of abode as Norwegian nationals. So far, non-treaty nationals have been admitted visa-free as well. “Regulations concerning rejection and expulsion from Svalbard” are in force on a non-discriminatory basis. Grounds for exclusion include lack of means of support, and violation of laws or regulations.[52][53][54] Same-day visa-free transit at Oslo Airport is possible when travelling on non-stop flights to Svalbard.

That’s not citizenship, but it’s living and working there without restriction, which is probably about as good as someone’s going to get in the present day. But it’s probably colder than most people would like.

Approximately 60% of the archipelago is covered with glaciers, and the islands feature many mountains and fjords. The archipelago has an Arctic climate, although with significantly higher temperatures than other areas at the same latitude. The flora has adapted to take advantage of the long period of midnight sun to compensate for the polar night. Many seabirds use Svalbard as a breeding ground, and it is home to polar bears, reindeer, the Arctic fox, and certain marine mammals. Seven national parks and 23 nature-reserves cover two-thirds of the archipelago, protecting the largely untouched fragile environment.

EDIT: And income looks pretty solid, even by Western standards:

In 2006, the average income for economically active people was 494,700 kroner, 23% higher than on the mainland.

Converting to 2006 USD and then rolling forward inflation to December 2023, that’d be ~$110,463.54/year.

But part of the reason that they’re gonna be paying that is because the people living there are gonna have to be living in polar twilight for a hefty chunk of the year.

wesker, avatar

Yeah but do they have highspeed internet?

tal, avatar

When it isn’t being cut, they have submarine cables to Norway.…/Svalbard_Undersea_Cable_System

The Svalbard Undersea Cable System is a twin submarine communications cable which connects Svalbard to the mainland of Norway. The two optical fiber cable consist of two segments, from Harstad to Breivika in Andøy, and from Breivika to Hotellneset near Longyearbyen in Svalbard. The segments from Harstad to Breivika are 74 and 61 kilometers (46 and 38 mi) long, respectively, and the segments from Breivika to Hotellneset 1,375 and 1,339 kilometers (854 and 832 mi). Each consists of eight fiber pairs and there are twenty optical communications repeaters on each segment. Each segment has a speed of 10 gigabits per second (Gb/s), with a future potential capacity of 2,500 Gbit/s. The system is now the sole telecommunications link to the archipelago.

There’s apparently 5G service:

The company began Scandinavia’s first 5G pilot back in November 2018, conducted Norway’s first 5G video call, and launched the world’s northernmost 5G pilot in Svalbard. Telenor chose Nordic company Ericsson over Chinese firm Huawei to supply the critical infrastructure for the rollout.

I don’t know whether Starlink orbital paths can cover that far north.


Apparently so, and they started service about five months ago.…/starlink-launches-in-svalbard-a-n…

Starlink Launches in Svalbard: A New Era of Internet Connectivity in the Arctic.

tal, (edited ) avatar

Also, in general, if you have legal residence long-term in a country, most countries do permit a route to obtain citizenship. Norway does appear to do this too (though it’s not a guaranteed right, and you need to learn Norwegian as part of that process). Thing is, I don’t know whether legal residence in Svalbard – which is a Norwegian territory, but not part of Norway proper – counts as legal residence in Norway for naturalization purposes, and I could very much believe that that is not the case.

Foreigners may become Norwegian nationals by application after residing in the country for at least seven of the previous ten years, while holding a work or residence permit valid for at least one year. Applicants must be at least 12 years old, demonstrate proficiency in the Norwegian or Sami language (or alternatively complete 300 hours of Norwegian language courses), intend to reside in Norway permanently, pass a good character requirement, and not have a criminal record.[11]

Thinking of an analog, I know that in the US, American Samoa is unusual in that while it is a US territory, American Samoa wanted to run their own immigration policy (because there are people in (non-American) Samoa who they wanted to be able to move in). Both the US and American Samoa were willing for American Samoa to be a US territory, but the US wasn’t willing to have American Samoa just be a back door to general entry to the US if they had different immigration policy. Normally, in an American territory – like Puerto Rico, say – the residents are American citizens. However, because of this independent immigration policy that American Samoa runs, based on the arrangement that the US and American Samoa worked out, American Samoans are not actually American citizens – they are American nationals. While generally they can live and work in the rest of the US, just the fact that American Samoa is okay with someone moving to American Samoa and has the right to let people in as they choose doesn’t necessarily mean that the same person can use that status to just bounce from there to legal status in the rest of the US.

It wouldn’t surprise me if Norway has similar restrictions on people bouncing via legal residence in Svalbard to broader Norway, because the situations are somewhat-similar.

EDIT: Yup.

It’s also important to understand that time spent living in Svalbard does not count towards residence in Norway. That means that if you’ve lived in Svalbard for two years, those two years will not count towards a permanent residence application in Norway.

tal, avatar

Hmm. Though that being said, global warming will cause glaciers to retreat, so it’ll probably be more-ice-free in the future than it is now.


And it looks like Svalbard, in particular, is warming up quickly.

Experts from the Norwegian Polar Institute are among those who calculate it is heating six times faster than the global average.

The consensus is that the temperature in Svalbard has jumped 4C in the past 50 years.


Well, everything is terrible when you subject it to the realities of our modern world. Just turn off that part of your mind for a few moments and enjoy the idea.

tal, avatar

everything is terrible

I’d guess that warming is probably long-term advantageous in terms of human habitation of Svalbard. We’re not really glacier-dwelling critters. Probably sucks if you’re a polar bear, but…

simple, in What are sites like this for?

AI-generated spam. They fill the website with (potentially malicious) ads and try to profit off people that accidentally click the link thinking it’s a real website. It’s the main reason search engines have been terrible to use lately.

sbv, in What gifts that you received for Christmas this year are already in the trash?

At the other end of the spectrum: My wife and I made a minimal gifts pact. We each got each other minor crap we needed for around the house. It was perfect. No waste. No extravagance. Just stuff we were going to get anyway.

Swedneck, avatar

this is how my family has it set up too, everyone writes a list of some reasonable stuff they’d quite like to get anyways and we just pick a thing from each list while coordinating with each other to not duplicate anything.

Works brilliantly.


My wife and I got each other a dishwasher for Christmas…


Okay, was it a shared gift, or do you each have your own dishwasher now? If it’s two, do they match?


If you attach the waste pipe of one to the water inlet of the other you can share the bacterial infection too


A true couples gift


Shared gift 😁

Usernameblankface, avatar

That is a great agreement. All the Christmas with none of the waste


And we finally get around to getting the crap we keep forgetting to pick up! Note pads!

Appoxo, avatar

Just don’t gift anything and enjoy a peaceful evening? Why does one need a special day to gift anyway?
My family did it and it was honestly amazing (obviously kids should get something if possible).


Just don’t gift anything and enjoy a peaceful evening? Why does one need a special day to gift anyway?

We haven’t made it that far yet. I imagine/hope we will eventually.


As I mentioned elsewhere in this thread, in Iceland they buy each other books and on Christmas Eve they open the books and everyone sits around reading them.


We always get stuff for the kids and the nieces/nephews, and our moms. But we haven’t gotten a gift for each other in years now. We both buy something if we want it bad enough throughout the year, and it’s both of our money anyway, so what’s the point? We will some years get a “household gift” that’s something we need or everyone can benefit from, that shouldn’t go to just one kid or "you two share this and try not to fight over it, or that they will care less about. Nice air fryer one year, Nintendo switch another, etc. But nothing really needed or wanted this year so we’ll probably just take a pass.


Well it’s January now…so yeah I guess you did.


True, but for our family Xmas isn’t totally over yet.

jordanlund, in Thoughts on reddit reposter bots? avatar

Useless. It separates the content from OP so they never see replies. Worse than spam, spam at least has a point to it.


An actual bot can be coded to post every few hours, or even only post if a non bot hasn’t posted in x amount of time

What’s worse is when a real human takes posts from reddit and spams them for a couple hours all over Lemmy.

I have no idea how many accounts I’ve blocked for spamming “memes” like that, but it’s safely in the double digits.


The NSFW subs are horrible about it. Someone makes a new one and then posts dozens of pictures that all show up at once.


Even worse is the “sfw” ones.

There was one account that made like 5 general ones for celebrities, and then a specific sub for every celebrity. So if he posted once, he posted 5 times in a row.

When I blocked him, there was like 100+ subs. It made browsing /all unbearable.


Worse than spam, spam at least has a point to it.

Ehh, it’s very clearly labeled for what the purpose is and it’s also easy to block (if someone is using the NEW feed and is affected by the volume of posts).

Some people want the functionality of the bot and a big part of the Fediverse is to bring control of a platform back to the user. Lemmit is providing that functionality the right way

n3m37h, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

Not a feature but I do miss phones having side bezels. You could firmly hold your phone and not disturb the content on your phone. I can barely use youtube now because i keep touching my screen apparently


I don’t feel that way about side bezels but i do think that chunky top and bottom bezels like those of the Xperia are better than a notch and also has room for better speakers

Kiwi_Girl, avatar

This is why I always use a case. I can’t touch the side accidentally.


I had to put mine in a case. Any use without is just “oh, was that a gesture”.

No motherfucker, I’m just trying not to drop £500 of glass-coated electronics that I rely on for fucking everything.

diannetea, in Did any coal-in-your-stocking type of things happen to you on Christmas Day?

My mom died on the 24th, so Christmas was pretty shit


That’s terrible, I’m sorry :(


Sorry for your loss.

southsamurai, in What's a proper response to another dog attempting to mount your dog multiple times and the owner really not doing anything about it? avatar

“Oi, fuckstick! Mind your dog!”



People are inherently irresponsible. Dog owners, not all but many, simply think having the animal makes it a pet.

Call that motherfucker out on his irresponsible behavior not tending his own animal.

moosetwin, in Is there an artist so horrible that no matter how hard you try that you cannot separate their art from them? avatar

whenever I see a meme with art from stonetoss (a neo-nazi) in it, I have a visceral response


Damn, source on the neo nazi thing? It’s usually just memes that I’ve seen with his content, now I’m wondering what he really draws about.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Here’s a video covering it by Thought Slime

PonyOfWar, in Is there an artist whose work you love but was a shitty person?

HP Lovecraft - great writer, horrible racist

Similarly, Orson Scott Card - Ender’s game and its sequel are great, but he’s a raging homophobe.

tal, avatar

I mean, by present standards, most people historically would have been pretty racist.


Indeed, though Lovecraft has the distinction of being pretty racist even for his time.

ThunderingJerboa, avatar

He was certainly above that. Hell his story "Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family" also known as "White Ape". Is literally a book about the "one drop rule" to the point its actually funny because of how absurd it comes off as. Its so insanely racist, it fucking becomes funny based on the character's reaction. Its not a great short story but basically he find out his great great great great grandmother was a "white ape" (which is not human per say but lets read between the lines since the white apes come from the congo region), his response to this news was pouring gasoline on himself and burning himself alive. Like yes its fiction but the fact he made a fucking short story where the focal point is discovering that you are mixed race and learning that is so mind breaking, death was the only logical option is god damn hilarious.


I'm convinced that Orson Scott Card suffered a traumatic head injury at some point. I don't know how you could go from writing something as beautiful and intimate as Ender's Game to shit like Hidden Empire, which is creepy right wing Christian disaster porn (from what I can remember of that trainwreck).


Yeah, I don’t know how the person who wrote “Speaker for the Dead” could be such a bigot. It doesn’t make sense to me.

b3an, avatar

This 100%.

My username comes from Enderverse.


Ender’s Shadow was an interesting book. Really made me appreciate Bean more than I did when I read Ender’s Game.


It’s pretty simple: the bugs weren’t gay.

Cruxifux, (edited )

HPL actually repented his stark conservatism and racism in his later years but yeah.

ivanafterall, avatar

I didn't realize this.

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