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TheBananaKing, (edited ) in What prevents you from going to bed early?

Any parent knows that you can’t go straight from doing-stuff to sleep; your brain needs some veg-out stuff to just process things. (I mean, I can sleep, but something unpleasant builds up if you don’t let decompression happen)

By the time I’ve left work, done grocery shopping, made dinner, cleaned up after dinner, done laundry etc, it’s already late, and I’ve had no me-time to just decompress. (especially when chores drag out longer the more tired I get…)

And apart from that, there’s a mixture of FOMO, resentment and just clawing-for-agency that makes me rebel against the only boundary I can shift, even though I’m the one that suffers for it.


The resentment part is so true, though I’m only hurting myself with my passive protest against sleep.

tooclose104, (edited ) avatar

It’s only quiet after the kids go to sleep.

Also, we suffer from this.


😯 this is me right now

Burninator05, in What's something you'd like to leave behind in the old year and not carry into the new year?

About 50 pounds.


For the rest of the planet that uses kgs, this is about 50lbs of high fructose corn syrup


Perhaps they just have £50 burning a hole in their pocket.


Or maybe they’re 170 and have body dysmorphia


For people not versed in using pounds, it’s roughly 22 stones, or 113000 carats or alternatively 730 Troy ounces. I hope I helped.


What are you getting on about? 50 pounds is right at 228,926,000,000 Venezuelan Bolívares.

Kcap, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

I forget which Samsung galaxy model it was, maybe S6, but it had a universal IR blaster built into the phone which was super convenient for controlling all of my devices. I did however often abuse the shit out of it by flipping the channels on bar tvs or turning off the stereo receiver and nobody was ever suspecting it was me on my phone. I guess that’s probably why they removed it lol, but it was fun while it lasted.


Unsure about the S6, but my S5 (which I still have and currently use as a dashcam in a pinch if I’m not in my usual car) definitely has an IR blaster and yeah, it was so good to just flick on the TV in the living room, or notice that my parents TV was still on while they were sleeping and I’d just turn it off from my phone.


S3 had that and an FM radio.


My galaxy s4 had it, the s6 I believe may not have. I do really wish they would put that back


Got an IR watch in high school before universal remotes were a known enough technology. That teacher must have really hated that day. Sorry Mrs Desgagné if you’re out there.

PlutoniumAcid, avatar

S6 Was the last model to have that. Was awesome.


That was my first thought too. I didn’t use it every day, but it was so handy to have when it came up.


I wonder if there might not be an add on that might have an IR blaster they connects via USB-C and has an app to run it… If it was good I might consider getting one.


I miss that one too :(

But I think they took it out not because of the abuse but because more TVs were being controlled by bluetooth and 2.4GHz bands instead of IR.


My S4 had this, but my S7 didn’t so they removed it somewhere in-between.

Pika, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost?

Most features that smart phones had. Most prodomimantly the micro SD card slot, headphone jack and IR blaster.


Lots of phones still have those. Notably all Redmi phones have a SD card slot, and Redmi still sells new phones with IR blaster, and most have a headphone jack too.

Pika, (edited )

I’ve looked into those phones, the specs look nice but they don’t work in my region, unfortunately rural areas of the US don’t have Tower support for those style models(yay refusal to upgrade any sort of infrastructure). many of my friends that are overseas have stated that they love the phones though.


Sony xperia should work. Though it doesn’t have IR blaster :/


AFAIK, Xiaomi doesn’t sell anything in USA, by purpose.


My first Samsung had a removable battery. Haven’t seen one since.

n3m37h, (edited )

I miss IR blaster on my phones, so handy.

There are lots of phones with micro SD and headphone jacks.

My Motorola G60s has either dual sim or sim with SD and a headohone jack. Also has a 120hz screen. Just missing the ol IR blaster


Yeah but they’re all the lower end phones, all the major flagships removed the features three or four versions ago, I don’t want to have to sacrifice camera or screen quality in order to have features that should be built into phones by default

anothermember, (edited )

How about, I don’t want to sacrifice features that should be built into phones by default for camera or screen quality!


Then dont go for the flagship phones?

What does a $1000 phone do that my $250 phone cant?

Shit this POS im using can even record at 240 fps


That’s really that is why I went with the phone I have, out of the phones that I looked at all of them were a downgrade for the screen, and generally camera. Or lacked the tower support in my area since we barely have LTE


I’m going to say that today, even on lower-end phones, the screen, processor and camera are all pretty decent.

I have a Motorola G31, which cost about 200€ one year ago, when I got it. It has a Micro SD Card Slot and a headphone jack. The screen is plenty good (1440p,60hz) (why would you need 120hz or 4k on a phone) And the camera is also quite nice. It has no fancy features, but it takes pictures and that’s all I need.

From my perspective, flagship phones are impractical and overpriced to say the least.


Ive been using 144/165hz monitors for years now and it’s jarring going back to 60 hz

I only spent $290 Cdn after shipping and taxes for my moto g60s. I 100% agree, flagship phones are unnessesary.


120hz is amazing for scrolling through feeds, it is absolutely night and day. It is like turning off the annoying motion blur in a video game.


i wish my pixel 7a had those


But by removing all the ports and turning them into screen monoliths, we can now safely pee on them.


And yet, we still don’t have a phone that can pee on us. Engineers are so culture-deaf.

Kolanaki, in What is a nifty little feature modern gadgets have lost? avatar

Fuck modern features; gimme back my god damn 3.5mm audio port.


I don’t understand why people love the 3.5mm port so much. Can you enlighten me?

I’ve always been a bluetooth lover, and maybe it’s my noob ears, but I can’t tell the diff between 3.5mm sound and bluetooth sound.


Bluetooth is compressed garbage


But it is convenient for most people that use it.


So were cassette tapes


by that logic, EVERYTHING is convenient, so why even try to change anything?


Are you seriously carrying a FLAC connection on your phone? Please…


There are peopke who do


The quality is a drag, but it’s the delay that bugs the hell out of me.


So I can use my pair of headphones for everything. They work in my phone, my DJ mixer, my computer, and the broadcast board at the radio station. They never have technical malfunctions, there is no interference, and never run out of power.

RecursiveParadox, avatar

A 3.5mm for mixing? I’m with you on all the other stuff, but that’s garbage without RCA.


I have a 3.5 to 1/4" adapter that screws on my headphones and use that.

My Pioneer mixer does have a 3.5 input as well, but seems to fragile with it in it so I am there with you.


Bluetooth it’s oh so perfect, it sounds like god playing the music himself and nothing ever takes too long to pair. I threw away my vinyl and CDs to listen to Spotify on low setting like the musicians intended


It’s another things to charge and keep track of. Have a long flight and forgot to charge your phones? Too bad.


There are no flights over 30 hours long, so it’s irrelevant. You also cannot listen to music non stop for so long and you can charge them while you sleep on your flight.


The four biggest advantages for a wired headphone when compared to Bluetooth are

  1. Headphones are cheaper
  2. No lag to receive audio
  3. Headphones don’t need to be charged
  4. Easier to connect/disconnect.

This doesn’t even touch the preference stuff, like some people prefer having a wire to avoid losing headphones, and others like wireless. Or quality, which is a can of worms I don’t want to even touch.


I can get over most of the modern crap, but I refuse to give up the 3.5mm port. Bluetooth headphones are too much of a downgrade, and adapter dongles are just something else to lose.


GSM Arena shows us 13 results if we search for

  • recent (after 2022+)
  • available or rumoured
  • 3.5mm jack
  • card slot
  • removable battery

Sadly, nothing with the removable battery AND Qi charging, which is criminal. I’d give up the swappable battery, as long as it’s available, has qi charging and a 3.5mm port.

Except, what kinda spyware-encrusted knock-off disco is this?

Naich, in Have you ever seen a rudolph moment happen in real life? avatar

My wife takes the piss out of me for turning every task into a spreadsheet, but who ate a perfectly cooked, stress-free Christmas dinner exactly when it was supposed to be ready? We all fucking did, that's who.


As a fellow spreadsheet nerd, can you explain your plan of attack? Like, how many dishes and how varied are the cooking temps/times in order to make everything come out of the oven and off the stove in time? And do you account for variables like washing utensils for reuse and/or operator error? I’m so uncoordinated in the kitchen that I can turn a 45 minute recipe into a 90 minute recipe just because I’m scrambling to find the right spices or washing utensils between uses or I spend too much time measuring things with absolute precision.

If I could plot out the entirety of the process in a series of Excel tables, I might actually be able to cook a meal efficiently.

Naich, avatar

That's the actual sheet. If you adjust any times, sort on column E to get it back in the right order.


Super curious to take a look, but it looks like I need to request access. Could you update the sharing settings so anyone with the link can view?

RainfallSonata, (edited ) in What's a food you love, that isn't worth making from scratch?

Sushi. I just toss all the ingredients in a bowl and be done with it, instead of bothering to roll.


I usually end up with sushi taco if I try to roll.


Just roll a cone and call it Temaki.


Sashimi, bowl of rice, fish on top, add nori and sesame seed with pickled ginger on the side.


Chirashi is valid, yo.



satanmat, in Who in your opinion is the modern day equivalent to Mozart?



Music fell out of him. He accidentally walked by a bass and it exploded from the funk.

Talent for days. (See also RRHoF playing “while my guitar gently weeps”)

Second vote would be Trent Reznor or Danny Elfman

ElBarto, avatar

Plus the moment he made it rain during his Superbowl show whilst playing purple rain.

I don’t care what anyone says, it rained because of prince.


Don’t care if it is apocryphal but when it started raining, he said “make it rain harder. “

Yes. He did make it rain that day.

TheFeatureCreature, in Which YouTuber still creates high-quality videos to this day? avatar


DosDude, avatar

As a DOS gamer, he’s pretty much me in a more American and charismatic package.

banneryear1868, (edited ) in Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly?

Bon Appétit after the issues at their workplace were raised, they all make some decent content outside the BA brand though. Nice to see Sohla doing so much content too since she wasn’t treated the best at BA.


Just so contrived. Even before the harassment allegations, their videos just seemed so corporate. That’s the Conde Nast influence, but it makes for such milquetoast content.


I actually liked the magazine before they did YouTube stuff cause it was different than the typical food mags directed at moms. Industry leading photography and good deep dive pieces in to food trends and unique restaurants, always getting in to the process. Their video editors were youtube guys given a budget and their video content had that feel to it. They did some innovating with how they approach recipe vids, keeping in and even highlighting mistakes was a major editorial decision that set them apart. At their peak they were found to be treating the staff poorly regarding compensation and allegations of sexism, and not paying Sohla for her video appearances etc. They switched their editor in chief and hired new staff but now it just seems even more corporate than it used to.

GrayBackgroundMusic, (edited )

I miss gourmet makes. Claire Saffitz solving industrial food issues on a small scale was fascinating and unique. Her new stuff, dessert person, is nice, but it’s standard cooking show fare, not solving weird industrial hacks.


There was a special charm in watching her misery haha


She’s been putting out some great cook books, Dessert Person is excellent. I always liked her and BA for highlighting process of making food and how important indicators are vs simply measurements. What does “cream the butter and sugar” actually look like and why is it important etc.



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  • RickMoreanus,

    Brad’s definitely the kind of extrovert host who takes other interesting professionals and lifts the energy up to very entertaining affect, I used to watch everything BA put out, they were a great channel.

    GrayBackgroundMusic, in Does anyone else resent the links to Reddit?

    Not unilaterally. Linking to reddit is fine, but bots that just repost links are not. If you, a person, find something on reddit that’s worthwhile (a comic that’s only posted on reddit, or a thread detailing a tech solution, or something else) and link it, then that’s fine. You, a person, found value on another site and shared it. I don’t care what a bot thinks. I care what you, my fellow lemming, thinks.

    Extrasvhx9he, in What is your unpopular flim opinion

    Every animated movie looks the same now

    Usernameblankface, avatar

    I really think they’re re-using the assets for all the characters now, with slight tweaks from movie to movie.


    Disney has been doing this for the last 80 years or so.


    You’re wrong, and here’s just one example to prove it: Into the Spiderverse


    Yup. That movie doesn’t even look like itself.

    Riven, avatar

    Here’s another. Puss in boots

    kratoz29, avatar

    I think the new Disney movie, Wish, copied its style though.

    mjhelto, (edited )

    How bout a third? Aqua Teen Hunger Force movies!


    Teenage mutant ninja turtles.


    And the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie. The sad fact is that these are the exceptions that prove the rule.

    embed_me, avatar

    Join the dark side. Watch anime


    What do you mean? There are so many styles of animation, you mean like Pixar movies all look the same?


    Pixar, DreamWorks, and Illumination are the largest studios that make animated movies these days and they all have such generic character designs now. Very soft, very round, large eyes, large mouths, and overall visually boring.

    And they often have the same cliche actions and expressions.


    I think it’s weird to put illumination with the other two because while it’s technically a financially successful studio, everything they put out is borderline bootleg quality compared to the other two.

    Varyk, (edited )

    Okay, so not every movie, just some recent popular movies from the same year from two of the largest studios with personnel and historical ties, and I guess illumination is also 3d animation if a different character style.

    I understand the gripe, but that’s a very small section of animation.

    9point6, in Anyone else no longer remember snoozing their alarm?

    Set one alarm you actually need to wake up for and never snooze.

    You’re playing with fire if you set alarms that are okay to snooze, because one day you’re gonna snooze them all


    Gotta snooze ‘em all

    I’ll see my way out


    Fun fact. Clocks used to have a limit at 2 hours (unsure if it’s still that way). If you snoozed for 2 hours after the original alarm, it stopped alarming altogether. Ask me how I know.

    _Mantissa, in Non-religious Republicans of Lemmy, how do you reconcile your non-religious convictions with a party that bases a lot of its policies on religion?

    I don’t identify as a republican but in my deeply red state it is a given that they will win no matter what. I know some folk that vote for the best of the R candidates. There are actually a handful of R candidates that openly identify as Dem-lite to cater to this group and they are much closer to winning seats than any of the Democrat candidates. These voters usually register as republicans in order to help push through the dem-lite candidates.

    The reason I think this is relevant is because the main differences in dem-lite candidates and actual republicans is usually down to the dumbest religious issues like abortion and lgbtq+ rights. They are basically just democrats except they like guns.


    They are basically just democrats except they like guns.

    Tbf, there’s liberals like that too, myself included. There’s a joke going around that “once you are far enough left you get your guns back”.


    The Second Amendment by definition and history is a liberal invention.



    It’s caused plenty an awkward turn in conversations with friends as well as friends of my girlfriend’s who are almost universally Classic American Liberal Democrat™

    I’m with them on domestic policy, marriage equality, LGBT rights, racial justice, electoral reform, and abortion.

    Then we get to guns.

    And I’m certainly not some kind of NRA nut or Y’all Qaeda tacticool dope, so it’s a lot tougher to make a strawman against gun owners when there’s one sitting there across from you that you know, like, and respect.

    That being said, those occasions also give me pause because I know if we’re falling into that easy line of thinking on guns, we’re probably also doing that sort of strawman on the issues we all agree on too, there’s just nobody present to challenge that view.

    AquaTofana, (edited )

    Honestly, I feel like it’s so easy, especially in gun crazy states like Texas to run a Democrat who includes enjoying days at the range in their campaign advertisements, that Southern Dems have to be throwing their campaigns on purpose for some reason.

    That’s not to say we should be advocating for unlimited magazines and fully auto weapons. But there should be a candidate who is like “Hey, you like your constitutional right to protect yourself? Me too. How about we start funding/investigating the programs that are already supposedly in place to catch red flag purchasers, and find out where the issues are there?”

    I feel like a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ, pro-immigratjon candidate would actually make some headway if they just let go of the gun argument, or at the very least dialed it back substantially.


    or at the very least dialed it back substantially.

    From what I’m aware, Beto O’Rourke completely dropped gun control as a campaign issue when he ran for governor in Texas. Granted, he was also the biggest advocate for gun control of all the candidates vying for the Democratic nomination for the 2020 election, so I don’t think anyone trusted his reversal

    AquaTofana, (edited )

    Yes I was a huge Beto Stan. Had his sign in my yard. But even after his reversal, I kept seeing his “HELL YEAH IM TAKING YOUR GUNS” quoted in headlines all over the state 🙄🙄🙄🙄

    Of course Abbott was drowning out all the more sensible shit Beto actually said.


    Eh, for me, when he said that he lost my support. Ever. For any office.

    Sorry, you can drop it from your platform but you already told me where you stand.


    Beto never had a chance of getting elected in Texas on a policy of banning assault rifles. There are certainly policy decisions voters do not forget you made either so he is unelectable there now. Most people in texas support abortion rights, legalizing weed, and gun rights, but they care about the gun rights the most. Beto at this point is just a way for the democrats to raise funds from texas democrats to help themselves in other states.


    What you described is literally the Democratic party platform…/healing-the-soul-of-america/


    It really isn’t though. That link you provided has a good mix of good ideas and stupid ideas mixed together for gun control. Many of the policies the democrats want to pass have no scientific basis which is a problem.

    mnemonicmonkeys, (edited )

    Agreed. I read through it, and there’s plenty of bits that are ridiculous. Manatory licensing will never happen because the 2nd Amendment is a right, not a privilege. Also, it doesn’t make sense that they’re trying to ban online sales, because those require delivery via an FFL, which means all of them get a background check.


    Lol, y’all Qaeda, I’m stealing that one


    I bet you’re closer in opinion than you think. I think most Dems would settle for universal background checks and no super weapons type rules. The same basic rules we have for other dangerous stuff. You need to buy insurance and you’re responsible if someone uses your gun in a crime. Stuff to encourage careful ownership.


    How incredibly presumptive of you to assume.

    And of course you’d be wrong about how similar we are on guns, since most of them are part of the crowd that doesn’t own or use guns and therefore feel that because they’ve survived without them just fine that the only obvious and reasonable course of action is that of course we should simply outlaw all guns and just have everyone all over the country turn them in (not buybacks, not voluntary, just everyone come hand over all their guns). And they feel that anyone who doesn’t see how that’s the obvious choice is just crazy.

    Also, I don’t even agree with what you’ve laid out here. So you’re off on both sides of your assumption of similarity.


    Yep. I go further left as the years go on, but I’m still pro 2A, though not to the same extent as a lot of republicans.

    Should there be controls in place for acquiring and carrying a device that’s only purpose is taking a life? Yep. Absolutely. Especially as you move towards self defense type weapons over tools for sustenance hunting.

    That being said, I have no idea how to codify those types of restrictions that maintains the spirit of 2A, while at the same time reducing the vast amount firearm deaths in the US.

    There has to be some sort of balance, but I’m not the person to figure it out. Even if I had the gravitas to make changes like that, I don’t have the capabilities to properly handle something like that.


    Some balance does exist that not even the right fight for. Violent felons, sexual felons, and sometimes domestic abusers lose their right to bear arms even after they’ve done time served.

    It’s also an extra penalty to be armed while drunk (maybe it’s just DUI?) or while trafficking drugs.


    Lmao. I’ve never heard that one. What’s the thought process there?


    LiberalGunNut™ here! It’s because of quotes like these:

    Karl Marx — ‘Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary’

    Ida B. Wells advised, that “the Winchester rifle deserved a place of honor in every Black home.”

    There are more, can’t think of them ATM.

    Johnmannesca, avatar

    There’s a northern politician like that. I think they call him Adam Kinzinger.


    Just curious, registering as democrat or republican, what does that do?

    Note: I’m not U.S. American


    In my non-USian understanding, it means you can vote in the primaries (the party-specific elections that choose candidates for the actual election).


    American here to confirm that @JoBo is basically right.

    Some of the smaller parties have “Open Primaries” (which is to say that you can vote for who gets to represent the party in the real election, regardless of your party registration), but the big two (Democrats and Republicans) have “Closed Primaries” which means that if you want to vote for who will be the Dem/Rep candidate in the main election, you have to be a registered member of that party.


    That system is like if I declared myself transwoman just to access the ladys room and see some boob and butt.


    Boy, I sure do hate that analogy.

    But it is the reason I’m registered with a major party vs the one I actually like; I can always have a voice in the one I like, and I want to be able to have my microscopic amount of influence on a larger party. It’s as much of a “have your cake and eat it too” in the less-than-optimal environment of American Politics as I can get.

    Diabolo96, in Can licking an iron bar get you the daily recommended amount of iron?

    Some kind of iron piece is given in some African countries to fight iron deficiency by putting it in the food while it’s cooking, so it works.

    Forester, avatar

    Iron fish

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