Ublock origin Ghostery Containers (so darn useful) Tampermonkey if you know JavaScript, little tweaks can make some sites much more usable
Custom Context search (forgot the actual name of it and I’m on mobile now). It allows you to add custom searches to your right click, so if you select text and right click, you can search for it on any site with search functionality.
For me, I cannot go without the flagfox extension on PC. Otherwise, I’d probably just be going over extensions everyone else has been beating like a dead horse.
Can you explain why? I installed Flagfox and it’s interesting especially cos I used to be a web dev but I don’t get why you’d really need to have it? No offence I just wanna know if I’m missing some hidden feature! 😂
Bitwarden (replace with your own password manager)
Redirect AMP to HTML
Multi-Account Containers
With these five, you have control over the entire Internet. You can bend it to your will. On mobile, just 1, 3, and 4 (assuming you have your password manager installed at the system level, and until Containers works on mobile).
I also really like Notes for Firefox and Dark Reader, but they’re not what I’d call must-have.
uBlock Origin and some kind of mouse gesture with rocker commands extension. Those are the only two universal types I use. Everything else I can’t live with is pretty specific to my own usage to alter the function of specific websites (like RES for Reddit, but for other sites).
There are only *two must have extensions in Firefox:
uBlock Origin
Your password manager’s browser extension
Beyond that it’s all optional. Most things I used to use extensions to accomplish are now possible to accomplish using Firefox’s built in settings or using uBlock Origin.
There are a few other extensions I use that I consider useful but optional:
I really love the built-in container extension (Multi-Account Containers or something like that). Really good if you need to log in to the same site multiple times or if you don’t want someone track you across sites.
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