I’ve been on Reddit for over a decade. But I’m done with that site and want to do something else. What do normal people look at on their phones? Is it all social media? Streaming?
I can’t claim to represent anyone other than myself. I use an RSS feeder for news, articles, and webcomics. I have some ebooks from the library downloaded. I have been playing an MMO phone game for the last ~year and check on that a couple times a day. Discord. Lemmy has replaced reddit for me but I don’t spend as much time on it as I used to on reddit.
Feedly. I’ve looked around for alts, especially when Feedly started embedding sponsored articles amongst my subscriptions, but haven’t found anything I like better.
I ride the public bus every day, and I can tell you its basically all social media, messaging, YouTube and phone/video calls.
But you don’t have to do the same thing everyone else does. You can play digital card games, chess, read a book, or put your phone in your pocket and listen to podcasts or music. And if you’re not commuting, you can plug your phone in and do actual stuff.
My phone has an FM tuner, so I usually listen to local radio stations. Sometimes I watch TV shows or movies I downloaded on the SD card, but I prefer watching videos on a larger screen when possible. Cell service is crap around here, so streaming is not very practical.
I am the wrong person to ask about this, but I read ebooks, play games, go on fora.
My wife cruises Facebook marketplace and other similar sites and buys furniture which she then resells at a profit. But I doubt that’s very common either.
That’s something I never even thought of, but damn that’s accurate. Living in a big ol city, sometimes use public transit - yeah this is totally the case
I read the news. Feedly rss reader which opens the articles directly into Firefox with no script, ublock and bypass paywalls add-ons. Very easy to concentrate on the article content when there are no nags or ads on the screen.
Lemmy. Or Google news… Or like… Snapchat I guess… Snapchat maps is cool to see what people post all over the world. One night I spent like a few hours over Hawaii and Japan snaps.
People in Saudi Arabia mostly post themselves driving with loud music.
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