MigratingtoLemmy, 200K so I’d be able to purchase a decent flat
june, 140k lets me start getting ahead properly and even start thinking about retirement.
andrewf, I eat a lot of french fries. So maybe about 50lbs annually.
Ironfist, around three fiddy
AdolfSchmitler, $80,000 / yr before taxes
PixellatedDave, It isn’t just the salary though. I am convinced that there is enough wealth to go around so nobody has to live in fear any more.
Appoxo, (edited ) >5k gross
Iceblade02, 5k€ (equivalent, inflation adjusted), per month
HelixDab2, I don’t have a solid answer.
Money alone isn’t going to make me happy. Yeah, it removes a lot of one type of stress. But it can also be a trap. Like, I’m doing solidly okay in my job, but it’s enough that I can’t easily quit and start over in a different career, even though I stopped caring about this one a decade ago. And a high-paying job can come with a lot of other stressors, things that keep you working harder and longer hours than you otherwise would.
$100k would probably seem pretty good for a long time, given where I currently live. If I had to live in NYC, I’d probably say more like $500k.
Chainweasel, Enough that I’m not completely broke before my next paycheck.
Seriously, that’s all it would take for me to be happy, a little bit of disposable income.
stoy, I’d be happy with 50k SEK/month after tax with the current inflation.
PutangInaMo, 100 fucking million a month. I want it all.
SuperSpruce, In the short term? $50k. Enough to get by and save for big purchases with enough left over to get a faster motorcycle.
In the long term? $100k. Enough to seriously save up for an actual house to live the American Dream.
JusticeForPorygon, Yes
Usernameblankface, (edited ) Bills plus car fuel and maintenance plus the cost of good quality food plus full coverage of medical insurance plus deductible (yay America) plus mortgage payments plus 10-20% on top of that.
Basically, cover the cost of very comfortable living and take the financial worry out of being alive.
Edit: echoing other comments, this would not make me happy directly. It would open up more possibilities to pursue the things in life that bring/grow happiness.
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