
If you look at history it takes more than this. I doubt people would go to war over illegal immigrants.


It’s the same as the last civil war. One side can’t bear to live in a world where brown people are treated the same as white people.


A lotta people’s shitty 2nd amendment logic is about to be tested.


I mean, all a politician has to do is say “I will oppose Bidens open border policy” and they’ll win an election.

All Biden has to do is not allow an open border with Mexico, and he might have a chance of getting re-elected.


Republicans are literally torpedoing a bipartisan bill because they don’t want Biden to get any good news on the border

But let’s keep complaining how Biden isn’t doing anything


Nah, just giving Texas back to Mexico.

iquanyin, avatar

“take over texas” as if the federal govt wasn’t already in control of the states. the states pay federal taxes, and they receive various federal benefits. texas isn’t some separate nation. it’s just one of the regular 50 states.

uberdroog, avatar

They will refuse to hear this, Texans do believe they are unique little butterflies. They don’t understand that after the Civil War the Federal Government solidified its hold on the states. Probably for the better.


Then keep those comments to yourself


Oh fuck off


Fuck Trump and his shit-headed followers forever.


Why not Arizona? That’s surprising.


42% of Arizona is federal land, they know it wouldn’t end well.


Not enough cousin fucking to cause genetic mutations?


As far as I can tell, it’s a purple state. The right republican would have to come along to pull moderates/libertarians in the state and Trump will only lose the state again - he talked a lot of shit about John McCain; that’s not going to go well. Don’t get me wrong, every state has it’s Trump cultists, but there’s just not enough.


The current governor of Arizona is Katie Hobbs, a Democrat.


No, it’s theatrics

An election is upcoming


Just like every year


At the same time, if we can get the 14th figured out the “pledging troops in opposition to the federal government” seems like the things insurrectionists do.


Its a meaningful and new escalation. This dismissive attitude is exactly why there will be a war. These governors should be removed and charged with sedition.


I don’t see how the national guard isn’t already federal, it’s the national guard, not the state guard. They get called up just like regular military for wars.

Cut off their money, court martial them, dishonorable discharge, take away their guns and vehicles. These belong to the military, not Texas.


The national guard is part of the military, so funded and supported by the feds. Unlike normal army units though, each state or territory has its own national guard unit under the command of the governor. The intention is to give each state the power to quickly respond to emergency situations without needing federal approval. They’re the successors to the old state militias, but have much stronger federal ties now.

CosmicCleric, avatar

Unlike normal army units though, each state or territory has its own national guard unit under the command of the governor.

What’s the chain of command?

Does it stop at the Governor, or does it go from the Governor to the President?

Do they swear an allegiance to the state Constitution, or to the Federal Constitution?


They swear allegiance to the federal constitution, the governor, and the president. With the president being CIC and having power over the governor and the constitution having power overall. So in theory, the governor cannot give you orders that defy the president, and not even the president can give force you to comply with an unlawful order. It would take some serious stones to defy orders though


National Guard listens to the state by default, as each state has its own National Guard. However, the federal government can intervene at any time and give them new orders.

I guess they’re just choosing not to do anything? IDK.


Why does everything have to be so political?


In a democracy everyone is a political actor.


I guess politics is modern societies version of how to make rules in society? E.g. it’s all politics, no?


It really is.


Time for bed, grandad.


In a for profit economy; to create an upper class, you have to have an under class. Wealth isn’t created, it’s extracted through exploitation. Rich/Poor. Empire/Colony. Master/Slave.

Wake up! It’s time to wake up America and re-discover our socialist past.


No this is all Republican division. It’s their only playbook to rally their base. The take home message for everyone is VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. Before the election started up we had a nice quiet 2-1/2 years. This kind of shit only appeals to those that love the chaos that Trump will bring back.


It’s not Republican division. A lot of Americans are disgusted with the open border and the gross inaction of our government.




It’s very tiresome. This also feels a lot more agro than interrogating a president about getting a BJ.

Why are your lunatics so energetic, crazy and numerous? They seem to be getting worse. Some BJ obsessions in the 90s. Then tea parties in the 00s. Now it’s full-blown inssurection with Texas wanting to secede.

Now that all the crazies have joined their “god army” and trundled down to the border would it be a good time to nuke them? Just wipe out all the lunatics in one go. Problem solved.


Why are your lunatics so energetic, crazy and numerous?

Simple, Russian and Chinese bots on social media designed to foment division, anger, and the destruction of western democracy. It’s the exact same thing that led to Brexit and the election of Trump. And it will get worse until we get a handle on blocking bad actors on social media.


My take on it is that the Republicans will do their best to drag this out until the election. No compromising or middle ground. Just make it out to be the crazy Democrats fault. This stuff gets to be very predictable after all these years.


Of course, they will drag it out until the elections. It is only being done because of the elections. It is all a performance to rally their base and get them to vote. Too many Republicans are tired of, or at least too embarrassed by, Trump and the other crazy fuckers, like the Freedom Caucus. While nothing is great, nothing is also so bad that they can really shit on Biden, at least not enough to rally around. Even his support of Israel isn’t something they can use against him since they are 120% pro Israel too. They also seriously need a smoke screen for the shit show that is the impending government shut down.
It’s all for show, a way to get the very poor but very racist core to take time off of their jobs to go vote for a states right to murder brown children while at the same time diverting attention from the fact that the reason that those poor racists aren’t getting their social security and other government support is due to the Republicans massive incompetence.

linearchaos, avatar

At current, this is all posturing. If Biden does engage the military to stop them. Perhaps lock up the governors for treason, maybe it could escalate somewhat. If something did happen that was in the line of being more serious, it wouldn’t be a long incursion as long as the military obeyed the commander in chief. The national guard is absolutely no match for even a small slice of the might of the US military.

If something does happen, hopefully they’ll shut it down quickly and bloodlessly, maybe finally gather enough strength to enable some Germany type of anti-fascism laws.

We need to fix gerrymandering, we need to fix people screwing with elections. We need to put some strong protections against the propaganda and opinion pieces flowing out of all the news outlets. We need to force free non-political basic education to the entire f****** country so people can make some informed decisions about s***.

I’m tired of everybody looking at politics like it’s a f****** football game.

jabjoe, avatar

And if Trump gets in again? All the people not crazy going to along with him, or will he be to deploying the army? At what point does the apparatus of state start to split as people within it don’t all go with crazy orders?

If I was Putin, or CCP, helping the crazies is the best money spent.


What are the chances of China attacking us during the civil war? Or taking Taiwan (we NEED Taiwan for our silicon production)

thereisalamp, (edited )

Us, never. Just like with China you can’t win a land war over here, and a home attack has a greater risk of uniting is against a common enemy.

Taiwan possibly. Though I don’t think so. Taiwan is much more useful as a political chess piece that China can beat their chests about. They can invoke the island and be offended about support for it whenever they need leverage right now.

Not to mention it isn’t just the US alone that needs Taiwan and movement there risks a global response.


IDK if any other foreign entity actually supports Taiwan other than US


Define support.

They’re not devoid of allies beyond the US and in general have vocal support of most of the western world.

But only 13 countries recognize them as a country, but not even the US is on that list of 13. Interestingly however, the Vatican does recognize them.

Which is why, they’re remain a nice political chess price for China.

CosmicCleric, avatar

We need to put some strong protections against the propaganda and opinion pieces flowing out of all the news outlets.

Something tells me this one is a non-starter, as any new laws will slam up against the Constitution, over and over again.

Having said that, I would love to at least seen a real-time label, in a large font size, on any monitor/tv that specifies that what’s being shown is an opinion piece, and not a factual article/show.

linearchaos, avatar

If we go into a civil war, the Constitution’s going to slam up against a lot of changes.

GOP is ignoring the shit out of the Constitution already why should it protect them? They already tried to dismantle the executive branch and turn the presidency into a dictatorship. Now they’re going after the judicial branch. Nah, they’re going to game the Constitution until the US is forced to change it. It’s either going to happen slowly over time, or quickly after a pretty substantial bloodbath.

We can’t just sit here and go oh look It’s Hitler incarnate, but you know first amendment, oh damn, they ignored some laws and found some loopholes I guess we had just better conform to oppression by the minority. We better all get some swastikas.

This country isn’t going to go quietly into dictatorship for fear of failing to make everyone happy. The Democrats are weak because they try to follow the rules, They try to give breaks to the people that f*** them over because they don’t want to hurt the other people, but like everything else there’s a line. When Americans are shooting each other over propaganda, The propaganda’s going to have to f****** go.

LarmyOfLone, (edited )

Something tells me this one is a non-starter, as any new laws will slam up against the Constitution, over and over again.

The first amendment states that congress shall not abridge freedom of the press. In reality it needs to be strengthened because speech and press isn’t free anymore, it’s overwhelmingly controlled by interest with huge amounts of economic power. The reason for freedom fo speech and press is that dissenting ideas and thoughts are heard in order to have accountability. Which the current interpretation is doing the opposite of.

For example you could pass laws that any journalist has the right to voice his own opinion and not be fired or discriminated against by his employer (as long as he doesn’t discriminate himself or uses hate speech). That would not abridge the freedom of the press. Basically give the journalists more freedom from their owners.

Or you could make a law that forces owners to sell their media empires into trusts that are democratically controlled by the journalists / workers, and finance it through a bank. This would not abridge the freedom of the press (which is not the same as the owner).

Of course this is unthinkable and the current supreme court would never allow it. But we shouldn’t accept the degenerate view that freedom of the press is the same as turning speech and news into a commodity that is owned by the elite. And especially in a plutocracy that basically is state owned media.

You could appoint a 100 young people as new supreme court judges and then pass these modern laws and election reform also limiting the future excesses of the supreme court. There isn’t really anything stopping the Democrats from doing that.


Can we just have a normal, boring year for once, please? I’m so tired…


Better yet, can we have a government that doesn’t pretend things are fine and actually doe something about the fucking fascists?


I think you’d have to relocate for that.


What planet do you recommend?

wabafee, (edited ) avatar

Closest would be the Moon. I heard it’s pretty boring. Aside from the occasional rover visits.


Please let us have a normal election season

With the Trump? NO WAY!

CosmicCleric, (edited ) avatar

Can we just have a normal, boring year for once, please? I’m so tired…

I’m right there with you.

But at least you can think of this to console you: You’re not actually fighting in a world/civil war, down in some troops trench somewhere, reading this (at least that’s my hope for you).

Other generations have had to go through major wars, but so far we’ve been dodging that bullet, for the most part.

Things could be a lot worse.

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