dditty, Tunak Tunak Tun will forever be a banger.
nilloc, All of Sigur Ros. Makes me want to move to Iceland and be confused all day long.
captsneeze, I loved Sigur Ros when they first broke the scene around 1999. I thought it was so beautiful, and angelic, and weirdly transcendent. I wondered what beautiful poetry was being sung in this mystical Icelandic language I did not speak. Then, I learned that it’s not Icelandic. It’s not anything. It’s a made up language that means nothing. It shouldn’t really bother me, but I felt like I had been tricked, and haven’t been able to get past it.
inconel, Shchedryk (Ukranian original version of Carol of the Bells) comes to mind. Folk rhymes better with their original tongue in general
Jarix, Ave Maria
DizzoMyNizzo, Gangnam Style
ook_the_librarian, (edited ) In the early 200x, I was listening to an Argentinean punk rock group called Dos Minutos.
None of the song names really stick out to me (of course), but here’s a link to one.
CH3DD4R_G0BL1N, Asilos Magdalena by Mars Volta
I like all their stuff, but that’s the only one I can think of that is completely in Spanish
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