What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
So far my list includes Comcast, EA, and Nestle. Tell me yours, and I’ll help out.
So far my list includes Comcast, EA, and Nestle. Tell me yours, and I’ll help out.
- Apple
- All of the defence contractors
- Every telecom I’ve ever used apart from EE and Giffgaff
- YouTube
- Any website that tries to circumvent privacy rules with fuckery
- Governments like the UK that insist prohition is a better alternative to harm reduction but continue to profit from poisons like alcohol.
- Any company that makes devices with proprietary interfaces e.g. WiFi printers, BT routers, Apple in general, Tesla, battery power tool manufacturers.
- The list goes on…
ahriboy, All telecom companies in the Philippines and Southeast Asia too. They are all enshittified as expected
ShitOnABrick, Ee and giffgaff both suck ass
BilboBargains, I won’t defend them but they didn’t suck my ass yet.
Pyroglyph, Governments like the UK that insist prohition is a better alternative to harm reduction but continue to profit from poisons like alcohol.
How does one boycott the government? Would I cut up my ID and declare myself a sovereign citizen? As much as I agree with the sentiment, I don’t think it’s as easy as that haha
WhiteHawk, Committing tax evasion maybe lol
- Oil refineries
- concrete factories
- mercenaries
- energy producers that still don’t use renewables exclusively
- private hospital corporations
- cruises companies
- unsustainable agrarian producers
All of these are literally killing children. Not directly and immediately but according to the IPCC report we have 1,5 to 2 years time to get to ZERO emissions, else we got some tipping points and risk turning earth into a Venus-like planet.
BilboBargains, Brother, I’m with you. It gets depressing to dwell on this stuff.
LUHG_HANI, Let’s face it, EE are just as twatty as the others.
Harvey656, I literally do not boy have enough time in the day to type all of them. There’s just so many that are awful.
stewie3128, Most of them, but I’m just tired.
backhdlp, I forgot the name but that one shit company with a U that is literally as bad as Nestle
jojowakaki, Do you mean Unilever?
intensely_human, I think he’s talking about sUbway
backhdlp, Yes
MajorHavoc, This thread has lots of company names without references or explanations.
While " controversy" is probably a solid search term, we could do better by including “why” right in the comments.
keyez, Comcast / Xfinity. Have been forced to use their services for years until a viable alternative arrived in my neighborhood, paid $110 a month for internet to be down at least 2 days a month when my wife and I both work from home. All calls and tickets and emails were met with “you’re not using out router and we don’t see issues on our side, sounds like a you problem”.
Almost left for ancient Century Link pipe when internet was out for 17 hours one day, called 3 times and finally got a competent person on the line not saying the above. Instead said they had done maintenance in my neighborhood and when they sent someone out to look at the uplink it was magically working again. Filed for a service refund thing since it was way below the promised availability and I had to reschedule meetings because my hotspot was slow and they gave me a $1.35 refund to my $110 bill that month.
ironeagl, 17 hours… should have been at least $5.30!
Psythik, Cox too; Comcast’s evil twin that never gets as much hate. They do the same bullshit Comcast does, and get away with it. They even put a freakin’ data limit on a hardwired connection so that they can charge you more money.
quicksand, I’m so glad T-Mobile 5G covers my area now. Before that Cox had a monopoly and I was paying almost 200 a month. Now it’s 40 and faster download speeds. Ping times are similar… I’d recommend seeing if any wireless providers support home Internet near you
Psythik, Same, except it was Verizon that came to my town. Also was paying close to $200/mo for 500 / 30 Mbps and a data cap. Now I pay the same as you and get 1400 / 80 with no data cap. No ping issues in Counter-Strike 2, either. 5G fixed wireless is way better than people make it out to be.
Of course, once more and more people realize what they’re missing out on and hop on the bandwagon, Verizon will eventually become just as shitty as the competition (and so will T-Mobile). Just ask anyone who lives in an area with a FiOS monopoly. Such is life.
quicksand, Of course, but for now it’s a nice improvement. Hopefully something else will come along once these guys get as shitty as Cox is now. It’s nice that there’s an alternative/ competition at least. Which is required by law but somehow something I had yet to experience
keyez, Yep, those datacaps are complete nonsense and they know it. My bill was so high because I had to pay for unlimited data because 2 people working from home and streaming videos almost everyday always goes over their cap.
teamevil, Best part is thanks to Adjit Pai they can also throttle your internet before you hit the cap. Thanks FCC
JackbyDev, ATT covers something like 99.9% of my city and my street is one of the few that isn’t covered while being within the city’s incorporated area. I can literally walk to city hall. I know that a lot of fiber was laid with government grants and I’m very tempted to see if they were obligated to cover my street and didn’t and try to get them too. I’m pretty sure it won’t go anywhere but I’m tempted to. As shitty as they are they’re way cheaper (with fiber) than Comcast’s Xfinity is.
Mrderisant, Chick-fil-A
oshitwaddup, Any animal agriculture company
LordWiggle, Spotify See why
Rendh, I mean fucking over people is bad but surely fucking over musicians is a lot less evil than Nestlé willingly murdering habies and draining wells for profit, no?
LordWiggle, Oh for sure! I’m not saying Spotify is the most evil company, just that it’s evil.
But Shell is a company with loads of deaths on its name, hiring killing squads etc.
Zeroxxx, Spotify is the reason music industry is not dying. Without it you will pay 60 bucks for a goddamn album.
MajorHavoc, Yarrr. I’ve not taken part myself, but I hear there be extremely affordable ways to obtain digital files in this age.
Spotify is a last gross gasp of the dying music industrial complex, before direct payments for early access, directly to artists, becomes the primary form of music sales.
iegod, Don’t think that will happen so smoothly. People will go where it is easiest to one stop shop. I’m not jumping to multiple artists pages or different delivery services/shops when it’s all available at once, together, curated, with algorithmic lists and suggestions for new content. Sorry man the more I realize what Spotify and yt music offer the funnier the suggestions people would go straight to artists. Artists can’t offer all that.
MajorHavoc, None of it is going to be smooth.
I’m all for paying for a discovery algorithm, and Spotify has a good one. But as Google found out, staying the top player in a discovery space is hard.
A serious risk that Spotify faces is that new federated social networks are popping up, with great support for finding new artists.
Without the Discovery portion of Spotify, and with the constant pressure by record labels to enshittify the service, I don’t see a long runway ahead for Spotify.
The new default is going to be piracy, again. (The old default was piracy, before streaming got good.) The paid option will be patronage. Then we will see massive amounts of bundling in the patronage services, as they re-discover that people are willing to pay for a discovery service.
If the record labels even still exist at that point, they will pressure the bundled patronage services to enshittify, and the dance will start over at piracy.
For anyone on the selling side who wants to skip a step or win for awhile, here’s the lesson: You can’t sell digital files. You never could - not from day one. You can only sell easy access and discovery.
Digital files are the ulitmate perfectly elastic good, and the consumer community will swing back and forth into piracy or paying, based on how well they are treated as customers.
randomdeadguy, are some of them Too Big to Boycott?
Perfide, As far as which companies “deserve” it, it would be quicker to list the ones that don’t.
intensely_human, Let’s have it
bootloop, Bayer-Monsanto, John Deere, Nestle
Quazatron, Bayer.
angstylittlecatboy, Meta, Fox Corporation/News Corp, X
pewgar_seemsimandroid, if government agencies are possible then the nsa
macaroni1556, How do I boycott the NSA? Especially as a non citizen!
pewgar_seemsimandroid, don’t the Americans have an amendment that allows them to overthrow the government? im not sure though.
intensely_human, It only enables us to. It doesn’t authorize us to. The idea is we should only use the power when the authority we’d otherwise seek is completely illegitimate.
spittingimage, My government gave the NSA the ability to mass-surveil our phone calls in order to stay good friends with the US. I’d surely love to boycott that.
IverCoder, Philippines moment
spittingimage, New Zealand in this case. Misery loves company?
intensely_human, Camp on a small island
HootinNHollerin, Wells Fargo should’ve been put out of business for mass fraud
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