How can a naturally anxious person keep from worrying while laid up in bed with a broken ankle and leg?

I’m laid up right now and I’m an anxious mess. I’m worried about finances and now my car. My mom said the engine sounded funny when she brought it over to her place, where I’m staying.

I’m getting surgery to fix my ankle tomorrow and I’ll hopefully be wfh a week after that. But I will have missed an entire pay period. My big bills are coming up next week, and idk if I’ll have enough to pay them. I also can’t afford a new car, and I’m afraid I’ll need a new one soon.

I’m so overwhelmed. I’ve been close to tears for almost an hour. I’m sure the excruciating pain of my severely broken bones isn’t helping. I’ve been trying to distract myself with TV, games, and crafts, but the anxiety is still persistently at the back of my mind.


one way that works for some is to trick your mind by schedule your worrying to a time and date in the future and tell yourself you will handle it then. this gives you a “solution” for your mind to stop worrying about it now, as you have a plan to do it later…

worked for me quite a few times actually…

good luck, and hope you get it sorted eventually either way.

LaunchesKayaks, avatar

Thank you! I’ll try to schedule worrying for a later date and time and see if that helps. I’m a procrastinator, so I can just keep rescheduling the worrying forever lmao


How did you break your ankle?

LaunchesKayaks, avatar

My puppy pulled on her leash outside and it made me walk a bit too fast and I twisted my ankle very badly.


Distractions. Keep your laptop handy. Not a gamer? Now’s a fantastic time to start. :-)

LaunchesKayaks, avatar

My laptop is at my house right now. As is my PS5 and my Switch. My parents said they can bring all of that over at some point, but they’ve been very busy prepping their house for after my surgery. I figured I’d give them the list of things I’d like from my house once they’re not as busy. I’ve been playing Stardew Valley on my phone and it occupied me for like 4 days, but I am kinda burnt out now and need a break lol.


When I can’t stop worrying, especially at night in bed, I like to put on an audiobook. It keeps my mind distracted without being exhausting in another way. Maybe that’s something you could try? I’m sure there’s some service where you can get a trial month or trial audiobook if money is a concern right now.

ETA: And your phone should probably be sufficient for that.

LaunchesKayaks, avatar

There’s a YouTuber I like that does vids that are basically podcasts. I am incredibly behind on his content… I could get caught up on that.


Sounds like a great idea! I hope you get well soon and your worries turn out to be unwarranted.

LaunchesKayaks, avatar

Thank you!

j4k3, (edited ) avatar


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  • LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    I have a good mechanic that does free evaluations. I’m going to schedule with him as soon as I’m back to driving. Right now, I just want my parents to turn my car on every once in a while to keep the battery alive, and make sure my tires don’t go flat. I won’t be driving again for 2-3 months.

    j4k3, avatar

    Good luck. If you don’t feel substantially better within 3 weeks, schedule appointments with other reputable doctors and have them take a look at your situation. I know this advice may feel excessive, but I never fully recovered, didn’t do this, and really wish I had. Find reputable doctors by asking anyone that works around doctors regularly who they would seek out if they had the same injury as you. Think about asking people in places like radiology where they encounter many doctors in situ and know their operating room personas.

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    Thank you. I plan to ensure that I heal properly. If anything seems wrong, I’ll be calling my surgeon immediately. This guy is one of the best ankle specialists in the country, so I’m confident in him

    j4k3, avatar

    Only worry about what you can change right now in this moment. Everything else is irrelevant. Take on your challenges one at a time and communicate as much as possible with everyone around you. Most people you encounter want to help you if you just have the courage to ask for help.

    I was hit by 2 cars riding to work on a bicycle 2/26/14. In a nutshell, I had a broken neck and back. This is the best advice I can give.

    Your car is probably low on oil, just needs new spark plugs, or the battery needs replacing. You need a good shade tree mechanic that is honest or a friend that is into cars or was. If you know anyone that worked on their own project car and did motor stuff on their own, that is the person to talk to first. I was that kind of person. I can tell what is wrong with a car just by hearing it, or at most, driving a short distance. There are lots of people like me that want to help you too.


    If your car drives, and it’s not really old, you probably don’t have to buy a whole new car to deal with whatever issue is making it “sound funny”. Maybe there’s nothing wrong at all, your mom just thinks it sounds funny cuz she’s not used to driving it? I just feel like, if the car actually goes, it’s unlikely to be anything catastrophic.

    Do you have pain meds? I think that will help reduce the stress on you, cuz constant pain can make everything seem worse than it is. I also wonder if you have any anxiety meds? If not, I can recommend CBD/CBN for a very gentle calming effect, and It doesn’t make you all high. Maybe you can talk your Mom into getting you some.

    I’m sorry you’re hurt. Do you have anyone that can come hang out with you? Seems like being in pain and stuck alone can make things seem worse too. I wish I could help you more to feel better. Good luck!

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    My car is from 2015, so it isn’t super old. My mom just got a new car, so she may just be comparing hers to mine. I’m hoping my car isn’t going. Last time I drove it, it felt and sounded fine.

    I am on Vicodin every 6 hours, but it only takes the edge off the pain. I take baby aspirin at night, but that’s to prevent blood clots. My mom has some muscle relaxers that help a bit when my muscles start to spasm.

    I’ve been trying to coordinate with friends to hang out on Discord, but they’re all busy until tomorrow. My surgery is tomorrow, so I probably won’t be up to talking then. They’ve been really responsive on our group chats, though, so it’s not like I’m not socializing lol


    Can’t hurt to have the docs prescribe some low dose benzoyl or other med for the anxiety. But the distraction suggestion is also good. Get some reading done.


    Ask yourself some questions about the situation, and give yourself honest answers.

    • Can I do anything about it right now?
    • Might I be able to do something about it when I’m better?
    • Could I spend some time thinking of potential temporary solutions while I wait, instead of spending that time worrying?
    • Is it happening now, or do I have time to come up with something?
    • If I think I can’t do anything about it, does worrying help the situation or make it worse?

    These are sample questions. Ask yourself about specific concerns that worry you. Sometimes, the responses will require follow-up questions. Point is to end pointless worrying and start looking at the problem logically and realistically, without the emotion clouding your thinking.

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    That’s a really good idea. I’ll do that.


    Read current articles about climate change.

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    I mean, replacing anxiety with existential dread is an option


    Spend some time meditating. Doesn’t matter what meditation practice you start with, really. (You may develop preferences later, but for right at the beginning, just try one. And if you’re overwhelmed with options, I’d recommend starting with a noting practice. Just watch what arises in your awareness without judging, holding onto it, or pushing it away. “Itch”, “thought”, “emotion”, “breathing”, “mental image”, etc. If multiple things are in your awareness, just pick one. Set a timer when you start and do the meditation practice until it goes off. Start with 10 minute sessions. (If that’s too much, try 5 minutes.) Also, it can be done in any relatively comfortable bodily position.


    I feel you. I’ve had struggled with worrying a lot, too. Biggest insight for me was that worries are first of all just fantasies about the future. Start asking yourself more often: “what if everything goes well?” Instead of “what if everything goes wrong?”. Realize, in the realm of fantasies those two questions are equals. Your mom said that she thinks the engine sounded funny. And that’s it for all we know. Maybe she even just misheard. Also, start tackling real problems that may arise step by step. Stringing along worries before they have even arrived is of course paralyzing because fantasies are endless. You often will realize that all those “follow up” problems you fantasized about will never arise because you are very well capable of solving the real problems right away. Friends and family will love to help you if you ask.

    guyrocket, avatar

    Counseling can be done on a phone. I would suggest this over advice from internet randos.

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    I mean, I plan on getting therapy at some point, but there’s no harm in getting advice from others. Like, I’m obviously not going to follow shitty advice lol.


    I don’t really have any advice for you, but I hope your surgery goes well and you start feeling better soon. I’m sending good vibes your way!

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    Thank you very much!



    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    I’m already on psych meds


    At least talk to your doctor. He might know of an anti-anxiety medication that would be safe with your other meds.

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    Yeah. I’m gonna call my psychiatrist tomorrow and see what he thinks would be a good temporary thing. I just had a minor emotional breakdown and woke my mom on accident, so I totally need some help with all my big feelings.


    So how’d it go? Was he/she able to help?

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    Not really. My anxiety eased up because of the pain from the surgery, though. The pain is unbearable and the paineds barely do anything.


    Not with a broken leg and ankle but I’ve been overcome before by situations like this. I know there’s a lot of advice in here already to manage the anxiety, but here’s a few things you can actually do:

    1. Make a list. Write down everything that needs to be taken care of. Pets, bills, work, rent, school work…just write down everything that comes to mind. Write down deadlines and where you are going to come short.
    2. If you are not on heavy pain meds, start communicating. There’s a good chance that some deadlines can be pushed back, work can find you extra hours, friends and family can spot you. Even creditors may be willing to help. You have a situation that is entirely provable with hospital records.
    3. Depending on your life situation, you may be able to find government resources, charity groups, etc. Just by calling around you could find a connection inadvertently that can help. I found pro bono legal services once when an someone tried to sue me because a charity group i called knew someone from another group.
    4. Adjust your list and prioritize what needs to be done first. I think just putting things down on paper/word doc takes a lot of burden off your mind. You know you won’t forget what needs to be done and it helps to have all the info in front of you when you need to communicate.
    5. Sudoku. Optional, but highly advocate that or some kind of problem solving game.

    Good luck to you, friend. Speedy recovery.

    LaunchesKayaks, avatar

    Thank you so much for the advice!


    In your situation, any worries about the car can be pushed back for at least a few months, so just make a calendar note to check on whether there’s anything wrong with it, then put it aside for now. With minimal driving it’s not getting worse, and may be nothing at all.

    Follow all @backachu’s good advice, with this addition:

    You have surgery tomorrow, so prioritize rest right now. Instead of thinking you have to hold onto everything, once you’ve written your list set aside several hours to let go of everything and rest. Something creeps back in your mind? Push it out. Repeat to yourself: “For my best outcome in surgery I need to be well rested. If possible I need to sleep. Resting is the most important thing I can be doing with my time right now.” If you can’t, don’t beat yourself up about it, treat yourself with the kindness you would show a friend. But if you can, it will help you react better to anesthesia and heal faster if you don’t go in depleted.

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