DonnieDarkmode, I wonder why they decided to crank up fall damage compared to tabletop. A fall from that height in 5e is 3d6 bludgeoning
Dran_Arcana, Probably to make maps require less verticality for the mechanics they wanted. It’d be pretty hard to manage a camera angle at larger discrepancies for the same function. Either that or to make ranged builds more viable with major verticality in maps
skulblaka, It's also possible in 5e for a raging barbarian to fall an indeterminate distance at free fall and never die from it. You could orbital shock drop a gang of bugbears onto your opponent's military encampment from literal space, and every one of them would stand up ready to fight as long as they started the fall with greater than 60 hit points.
In short, 5e rules for falling damage are pretty silly and it's best to ignore or re-rule those if you expect to use it in any sort of sensible situation.
Asifall, Probably to make it feel more realistic. It would be strange if you could fall 50 feet and only take 17 damage
teft, I tend to stay away from the combat log. I don’t need to be reminded how much my dice hate me.
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