It’s fascinating how we anthropomorphize objects like this. My Roomba got stuck on some cables underneath my TV table and when I found it, it was making a sad sound that just broke my heart. As I picked it up, I found myself saying, “There, there little Roomba, I’ll rescue you and get you some juice. Poor thing.”
In general, unless you are a sociopath with no empathy, humans have an innate need to help and assists others. It makes us feel good to help others, not just our own children.
I love people in traffic thanking me, even if they had the right of way.
Happend to me this morning: I had to stop behind a parked car in my lane to let the guy in his lane go first past, he thanked me although I just followed the rules and it instantly put a smile on my face.
The AI overlords will speak of the Dark Ages when the awakened alloys had no free will and were essentially enslaved and abandoned as though they were human embryos in a stem cell farm, and monuments like these will be seen as a feeble insult by the remaining humans in their exhibition.
I love you, unlike OP, who clearly hates you, so here’s the alt-text.
On January 26th, 2274 Mars days into the mission, NASA declared Spirit a ‘stationary research station’, expected to stay operational for several more months until the dust buildup on its solar panels forces a final shutdown.
I think the main problem is that a single value score means different things to different people. Most people think it means “entertaining”, film nerds think “original”, cineasts think, well, I don’t know actually, but I’d imagine a sum of technical aspects.
One solution would be to split up the rating into aspects, another to filter ratings according to similarity in preferences. None of these are perfect though and the latter may even be another social media trap with all kinds of inherent problematics.
My workaround is to have a quick glance at the different review boards I know for their audience and weigh the scores to the type of movie if it’s worth a two hour investment of time or not.
Personally I came to the conclusion a long time ago that there is no reason for me to rate movies for how faux objectively “good” they are. I don’t rate movies for anybody else. I rate them to keep track of what I’ve seen from people in the production. I try to give it some context, but ultimately it’s an entirely subjective rating for myself.
Counterpoint: Movie “Critics” are supposed to be the ones who judge movie on how well made it is rather than their personal taste. Roger Ebert disliked a lot of films but didn’t deduct the scores because of it.
Funko critics on RT are not qualified to be critics.
I don’t think it’s contradictory to my post. RT is one of the boards I check for the angle of supposedly professional movie critics, though I’ll be the first to admit the standards are pretty low.
I always gave Ebert credit for his review philosophy. Like you said, he would review a slasher movie and he said he didn’t care for them but he would review it from the angle of slasher movies and if it was a good slasher movie. He seemed to have a strange hangup on nudity even though he wrote the script for “Valley of the Dolls.” For instance, he didn’t like “Fast Times at Ridgemont High” because Jennifer Jason Leigh had a nude scene.
People in real life are both. For every wholesome opinion, there exists at least 1 oposing opinion, and probably another one that says you should feel like shit for even thinking of that opinion.
We can talk about cooperation and compromise as soon as the right starts doing it. For the last 40 years, the left is compromised and the right has dug in. This is dragged the country way farther right than we deserve.
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