pastermil, Go by metric distance then.
BeanGoblin, That “10,000 steps” thing was just made up to sell step counters, btw. There’s no scientific evidence supporting it.
Kolanaki, Healthy Living is just Big Health trying to get you to live longer so you buy more merchandise before you die.
WeLoveCastingSpellz, So true
killeronthecorner, Exactly. Everyone knows you only need 9999 to stay healthy
Zekas, Not true either. 10k just came out of this Japanese company selling step counters for the Olympics, far as I remember because the sign for 10k vaguely looks like someone walking. Definitely healthy to walk, but 10k is likely more than necessary. Ultimately as with all things, it’s catchy but your need will be individual.
johan, Plenty of evidence that physical activity is healthy though. Not disputing the 10,000 steps being made up but absolutely a good thing to regularly go for a walk.
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