Hop in bed [Extra Fabulous Comics]

XTornado, (edited ) Uhm… Why does she drop a coin? Maybe I forgot but I don’t remember any enemy that when killed drops a coin in Mario.
JPAKx4, Super Mario 64
XTornado, Ah true.
ShortFuse, (edited ) At first I felt this wasn’t right, and then I flashed back to Whomp’s Fortress and scrambling to pick up coins from stomping on Whomps (and then picking up the 100 coin star).
match, ![]()
Honestly incredible that this joke has taken 40 years to happen
can, There’s no way it has.
kadotux, “Lmao it’s 25 years old at mo…” “Oh…”
Fixbeat, This reminds me of the scorpion and the frog.
Jerkface, (edited ) “Dont-a-worry, little turtle! I’ll help-a you cross-a the road!”
“But… why?”
“It’s-a me. Mario.”
Crul, (edited ) Source: extrafabulouscomics - 458
oce, ![]()
I’m sure he can find another partner with this amount of gold.
Kowowow, I think I he saved the wrong princess
Fiivemacs, Be better if it was a toonie and he popped the middle of it and gave the camera a sexual Mario look
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