[System32] Unidentified Program in the Bagging Area
Source: System 32 Comics
Source: System 32 Comics
Vince, Is this considered a bad thing? I mean I haven’t had a computer virus in a decade, so it seems to be working.
WormFood, I too enjoy having to get Microsoft’s permission to execute a program that I wrote
adrian783, to be fair you’re a terrible programmer
A_Very_Big_Fan, (edited ) It’s not inherently bad, at least from the user’s perspective, but Windows Defender will make you click “more info” or something before giving you the “run anyways” button since it thinks it’s a risk. I’ve never gotten a virus doing this, though
Holyhandgrenade, On MacOs it’s so stupid. Instead of double-clicking on the new program to open it, you need to right-click and hit “Open” from the drop down menu. Only then does it even give you the option to open the program anyway.
tias, Wait, right-click? I thought Apple mice had only one button.
Thermal_shocked, I think it’s command + click if the second button isn’t enabled. It’s one “button”, but clicks on left and right sides.
DudeDudenson, What if your OS was the virus all along
trouble, Its from china
Thcdenton, Meanwhile Linux is like:
GladiusB, This dude is way too cool to be from Linux
FireWire400, He’s using Arch btw.
swab148a, Was this a Vine back in the day? Something about diarrhea disguising itself as a fart?
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