deweydecibel, That “How dare you!” is unnecessary. Let the punchline stand on it’s own, it doesn’t need reactions.
spark947, Nah, you need the chorus to chime in.
QuaternionsRock, Well, it’s not the original text
Stoneykins, Yes, it is.
ZoopZeZoop, It was closing the unknowns in the narrative. The joke was supposed to offend him. How would we know that it actually offended him if he didn’t say that (or react in some way)?
Gonzako, I think the pose of the 4th panel conveys it well enough to be honest
ZoopZeZoop, Sure, but the original proposition was no reaction was needed.
erie09, “You can’t have your characters announce how they feel. That makes me angry!” -The Robot Devil
Kolanaki, This post is as brilliant as it is lousy!
CustardFist, Nice one, Zach. Bر
LongbottomLeaf, Is that the ninth letter, dal? What does B dal mean?
CustardFist, It’s a somewhat smirking smiley face. The old fashioned kind, where you have to tilt your head. :ط
LongbottomLeaf, Ahhh, ok. Now I see it, thank you!
Crul, (edited ) Hover text:
OpenAI, hear me out: instead of nerfing the AI just make it shame the user.
Bonus panel
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wetferret, I so hope that we are lucky enough for AI to turn out this way.
sab, If you want luck you're probably better off handing typewriters to monkeys.
PaupersSerenade, (edited ) Edit to add relevant lyric; ‘If infinite monkeys type every day, they may accidentally write Hamlet the play. But they’ll probably just shit on it and throw it away. In the Infinite Monkey Cage (those naughty monkeys)!’ -Eric Idle
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