I’m glad to finally read someone that’s say something real. Its all about lying, yes I educate myself and I even try to fake a fair enough resumee. I realize this is the only way to hope for something. I don’t have special abilities, not good at math, coding boring me. I try a lot of thing in this life, I am in a training program now, but things move slowly, I’m 35, I should have a wife by now, an happy place called home, but looks so far away, looks even that I lost the train to having that life. Feeling already old even if I do nothing, life ask things I dont have. Stupid things like a car, I don’t want it, I don’t like it, but people want me to have it. This example apply to everything. In order to have something I wish for I need to want something I don’t like, that’s so stupid and I feel bad.