I tried a brand with mild and spicy. I thought the mild was pretty much ketchup. Spicy is really good, although a bit thin - does not stick to fries well. I’ll definitely get it again
Frozen french fries are fantastic! I have an airfryer with shelves instead of a basket, but I’m sure it’d be the same. I just grab store brand waffle, steak, or curly fries, drop a handful or two on a single shelf spread them out so thy’re not bunched up and hit the fries button - no additional oil necessary, and I may or may not add seasoning at the end.
The thicker fries do really well with my airfryer, and the preset, but you may need to adjust your cooking times and temp depending on your air fryer and the type of fries. I also roasted red potatoes and baby carrots for Christmas. Chicken breasts are a little trickier if they’re varying sizes and thinknesses, but checking the temp with an instant read thermometer makes it super easy, and you don’t heat up your entire kitchen when checking the temps. Same with the carrots and potatoes, I just poke them with a fork to see if they’re done
Successfully made shoestring frenchfries. (and I’ve officially used it more than they have…) (thin-cut-sticks, salt, olive oil or whatever, fresh thyme. Air fry at 400 in the wire basket.)
We gave some friends Italian herb mixes from our garden. Oregano, rosemary, and thyme. If you have never had the actual seasonings from a garden instead of store bought, you have no idea what you are missing and what the herbs actually taste like.
For us we got a food saver from Costco. Heard great things
I love mine. Breaking down whole chickens to refreeze makes sooo much more sense. Also, you can prep sous vide… stuff… and freeze for when you’re ready to use it.
I got a diamond sharpening rod from wusthof as well as a universal knife block. (knife block, but instead of dropping them in slots, they have plastic stick-things inside. you can make your own with skewers,though.) they’re great if you’re not gonna be bothered with buying the full knife set. I only use 3-4 knives regularkt (Chef knife. paring knife, boning and carving knives. And the carving knife is only if I’m showing off…)
I didn’t, but my brother got a Babish knife set and a T-fal stainless steel frying pan. The knives are amazing (had my own set for years), but I’m jealous of that pan.
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