It depends on how many small bills the tooth fairy happens to have on him at the relevant night. I'm only a little ashamed in admitting that, one day when only $20s were in the wallet, I may have snuck into the LO's room, grabbed a couple of singles from her piggy bank, and then had the tooth fairy give her those (supplementing later, of course).
Congratulations! And don't forget to commend him and tell him how great it was that there were no arguments, and if he felt the same? High five, and be ready for more ups and downs. ;)
It's a subreddit where people would share and discuss non-canon lore for various children's media. I remember a post where we speculated on the religion(s) observed in Danial Tiger, for example. (There is no god but Trolly.)
As they say, generally a repeated 'why' is not out of pure interest, it's a bit for attention. After a few of those, feel free to give nonsense answers.
Yep.. Exactly where I am. She is so darn cute but it can be frustrating at times for her and me. She just can't express herself fully yet... even though her mind is.
Man, the independent streak lasts huh? My daughter wants to do everything herself already! Also, that sounds cute to me but at the same time I totally know for you as the parent dealing with it...
Acknowledge their concern first then tell them either “I’ll do it youre way”, “Let’s compromise” or pound sand in the nicest way you can. I get more success with above but I deal with clients. Most of it is them wanting to be heard.
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