None of us can tell you if it’s worth it for you. That’s super subjective based on your cash on hand and what you’re trying to do. How often do you use three separate DC voltages? Should you just do a dual output and keep a cheap single output on the side for the rare occasion you need 3? We can’t answer that.
Those two you selected look like great quality products from respected brands.
Could you find similar functionality cheaper? Almost certainly, for probably lower quality.
Can you find better quality between those two pricepoints with the same functionality? I don’t know, but I think this is the question to ask.
We are working towards having a product properly packaged. This is a prototype that is not mature enough yet to justify the cost/time to package it. Moreover, this custom chip is used to measure ultra low currents (down to femto amps), so any packaging could potentially interfere with the measurement capabilities (-> no epoxy). It is however protected by a large shielding box, but it’s no use during assembly/modifications :/
Just a blocking occilstor based on a 2N3904. I later found that adding a capacitor across the coil connected to the transistors emiter and operating it at resonance, greatly improves the power consumption. (30mA to 1mA)
The little gray wires should be all nice and straight. Even though your chip may be a good boi, touching it will wreak havoc on the wire bonding. Repairing the damage shown on the picture takes a skilled worker and very expensive equipment. Even then the repair is not fully guaranteed to be successful.
Cool! Let’s do it; I’m anxious to get it out. If someone comes along very soon with a specific need, we can split something out, but I’ll send you a DM.
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