Also just additional information: I know it’s not great but it’s at least a start! Due to girlfriends allergies, all I have to work with for the time being is oat milk (Chobani Extra Creamy). I’m thinking I could get better results with more practice, but I’m not sure if there’s only a degree of perfection I can reach using this milk alternative. I suppose time will tell
Fetishizes overpriced BS. At that price point it’s just irrelevant for the vaaaast majority of people. Do the extremely ultra wealthy even make their own coffee?
If I had that kind of money I’d buy a car, wtf.
He addresses that concern. This is no machine for you or me to “just add to the countertop”. I think of it as a big proof of concept.
But there are two kinds of people who spend tons of money on small improvements:
rich people with a hobby to fill their life but don’t want starter stuff or are grown out of it
people neck deep in a hobby (i.e. cyclists “regularly” spend 6k on a single bike and hundreds on clothing and accessories) that can afford it.
I know there’s overlap between the groups but it’s something I can think of.
Also, I could think of high end offices that want to really splurge on the coffee kit. The advantage that the machine is instantly hot lends itself to office environments where people want coffee in different intervals.
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