We found him in South Carolina. He is 70-years-old and said he would climb any pole if it meant getting rid of the Confederate flag.
"Yes I will. It represents the ugliness in the world that we live in," he told ABC7 News.
We asked him if the name Dianne Feinstein should be removed from that school because she ordered the flag to be replaced after he took it down, not once but three times.
"They should have the name removed from the school. She does not represent what makes the people happy and what's good in the world we live in or in San Francisco," he added.
Yet that flag was there when George Moscone was mayor of San Francisco, before Feinstein. He did not take it down yet, there is a school named after him and the board is not removing his name. Bradley says Moscone's name should also be taken down.
At least one of the school board members suggested that perhaps they should name a school after Bradley. He said it wouldn't be a bad idea.
"I believe in helping the kids and having the kids have something to look up to that they can represent and the kids will be happy," he said.
He had this message for the members of the school board:
"Keep students in this country that we live in looking forward and looking at what represents them and what's good for America," he said with a smile.
Well… Fuck Systems then. Also, not every System lets peolle die who are not considered valuable for the system. For example: For a liberal, Nazis are not deemed valuable for upholding a liberal democracy. Still, they are not killed based in that. For a capitalist homeless and poor are not valuable, whereas the fear of becoming these and die is. In a Capitalist System the poor can die because it is even valuable for creating pressure to work for the capitalist. Sadly many of these systems are interlocking. And of course capitalist liberal democracies still let people die. But not every System HAS to let people die, if they are not deemed valuable enough, and not every System values People based on their bodies. (Every System values people based on their ideology)
All of the color photos by Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky are fantastic and dispell the myth that photos back then were all in black and white. And the developed color film looks so realistic too.
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