moosetwin, I’d be worried that people would not return books and then point to this when they get late fees.
rah, library
newtraditionalists, I worked at a library in college. It was amazing. Truly one of my favorite jobs I've had. Libraries are legitimately one of the best things about modern society. Go support your local library folks!!
jballs, If libraries were pitched as a new idea in this political climate, they would be called communist and the idea would never get off the ground.
ares35, with a 'no late-fees' policy, truly is '100% off' (...your first 'purchase' only, probably)
gvsteve, If your kids keep asking for every thing they see at every store, and you’re tired of telling them no most of the time, take them to the library and say YES YES YES YOU CAN HAVE EVERYTHING YOU WANT!!!
moosetwin, my mom tried this on me when I was little, and then said no when I wanted to check out with ~10 books, I was so mad
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