257m, c/unixporn ny friend.
ElBarto, Yeah and the keep fucking up my porn searches.
plenipotentprotogod, I remember reading a comment a while ago (on Reddit, ironically) which pointed out that SFW subreddits naming themselves [subject]porn are borrowing the wrong part from the word “pornography”. “Porn” is from greek pornē meaning “prostitute”, but the suffix -graphy means “to write” and is often used to indicate “the study of” the thing it’s attached to (e.g. geography, cryptography, demography, etc.)
It would be more accurate, and perhaps less controversial, if these communities named themselves earthography, spaceography, unixograpy, etc. As an added bonus, the -grapy suffix is also prominent in “photography” which is appropriate considering that many of these communities are places where people share photos of the subject matter.
lowleveldata, JusticePorn is definitely not a study on justice
recapitated, We need an Astrography community
Tranus, I think you’re missing the point of the -porn suffix. Its not supposed to convey “the study of” or “images of”. Its meant to convey that viewing it is satisfying in some primitive/emotional/aesthetic way. NaturePorn isn’t just “pictures of nature”, it’s “pictures of nature that suck me in and make me want to see more”. In that regard, the comparison to sex is intentional.
HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, DontTellMeWhatToDoPorn
baggins, NopePorn
GrammatonCleric, Bro, that shit is here, too 😅
Decoy321, And we’re not even sorry!
UsernameHere, But the word shit is ok? Classic lemmyshitpornpost
lolola, (edited ) will it be:
- high-quality tasteful images of people uploading terrible garbage memes in a non-sexual manner
- sexually explicit images of people uploading terrible garbage memes
- plain ol scat
the possibilities are endless
Kolanaki, Literal scat porn, but turned into relatable memes. Like… 2girls1cup, captioned with “life be like.”
DJDarren, One Man, One Jar
“That moment when…”
raptir, It’s not exactly comedy. What do you want us to call Earth porn? ”Reallyprettypicturesofearthbutwithoutanyhumancreations"?
DJSpunTheDisc, Good point, but can’t most of them replace “porn” with, pic, or, art, work or pictures?
- c/EarthPics
- c/UnixArt
- c/RetroArt
Kolanaki, (edited ) “Does PornPics exist?”
hypnicjerk, naturephotography too wordy for you?
raptir, EarthPorn is typically exclusive of animal pictures though from what I’ve seen.
Damage, earthpics?
fiat_lux, Is there something about the word "porn" that actually communicates "really pretty pictures of something but without any human creations" beyond its Reddit meme usage? Because it doesn't for most people.
Also, not all community rules and objectives need to be in the name and URL. The word "porn" in URLs is problematic for users sitting behind state or corporate internet connection though. Be kind to your local network administrators!
raptir, Yes. This usage originated well before reddit. “Car porn”, “gun porn,” “disaster porn.”
blackbelt352, Porn in the sense of something that is the sort of over the top example of a thing that elicits an almost aroused response. Like a gratuitous picture of food would be considered FoodPorn. Or like 2 perfectly machined pieces of metal fitting together perfectly would be EngineeringPorn.
Octopus1348, EarthPixels
50_centavos, Literally anything else. Earthpics, coolearthpics, globescope, naturerama, third planet…that was just 5 seconds of thinking. Using the word porn for everything just lacks creativity.
Cruxifux, Planeteyepillows
recapitated, I’m up voting this because I hope it gets a better answer than earthporn, in spite of the apparent bad faith rhetorical question.
TootSweet, Stay with me here.
/c/pornporn, but it’s SFW.
thorbot, You lost me
Bobble9211, What have you done???
- Unixporn@lemmy.ml - 574 subscribers
- FoodPorn@lemmy.world - 550 subscribers
- EarthPorn@lemmy.ml - 274 subscribers
- SpacePics@lemmy.fmhy.ml - 243 subscribers
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