over_clox, 1 year ago I’m having trouble scanning that barcode
I’m having trouble scanning that barcode
Hello_there, 1 year ago That was the expiration date before they sharpied it over
That was the expiration date before they sharpied it over
over_clox, 1 year ago Yeah, about that thought… Sharpie markers bleed, that’s literally right angles. I’m not convinced.
Yeah, about that thought…
Sharpie markers bleed, that’s literally right angles.
I’m not convinced.
Rodeo, 1 year ago Youre obviously just bad at sharpie manipulation. It takes a skilled handler, but with some practice you too can shape exquisite right angles with a sharpie. Look into joining your local chapter of the sharpie handler guild.
Youre obviously just bad at sharpie manipulation. It takes a skilled handler, but with some practice you too can shape exquisite right angles with a sharpie. Look into joining your local chapter of the sharpie handler guild.
over_clox, 1 year ago In the most polite way, fuck you and take my upvote! 👍
In the most polite way, fuck you and take my upvote! 👍
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