Zozano, Meanwhile, Coldplay:
“And it was all Yellow”
- Math is gray
- Science is blue
- Writing is black
- History is brown
RealFknNito, Who tf had gray, brown, and black?
themeatbridge, Are we playing Trivial Pursuit?
SternburgExport, Meth is blue
PoolloverNathan, <span style="color:#323232;">Math Green </span><span style="color:#323232;">Science Blue </span><span style="color:#323232;">History Yellow </span><span style="color:#323232;">Writing Red </span>
cashews_best_nut, Science is Red, you fool!
English is blue. History is Orange/Yellow.
pomodoro_longbreak, Since transitioning to work, but still keeping a notebook, I use the following. Colours based entirely on what pencils/highlighters I had when I first started taking notes at work.
<span style="color:#323232;">Assigned work Blue </span><span style="color:#323232;">Ad hoc Orange </span><span style="color:#323232;">Errors Pink/Red </span><span style="color:#323232;">Solutions Green </span><span style="color:#323232;">Actualizing Yellow </span><span style="color:#323232;">WTF Purple </span>
galloog1, Purple is for joint operations.
JusticeForPorygon, Science is green. History is yellow/orange. The rest are whatever.
kamen, You guys had coloured stuff?
archonet, “you see, in the past we were so poor, we couldn’t afford colors”
ieightpi, I feel like this meme is having an aneurysm
key, Same. From comment section I get people are talking about being school kids but like… Social studies is 3 ring binder, math is spiral notebook with perforations, English is library book and black and white composition notebook, science is a folder that gets replaced monthly after it rips… All loaded into a backpack along with like 5 textbooks wrapped in brown paper
frezik, Automation is red, logistics is green. Factorio decided this years ago.
Baizey, (edited ) Wait I thought yellow was bad, red was better and blue was best
Sunrosa, yellow is pretty hard to make. low density structures and blue circuits completely fuck your copper lines unless you prepare
AngryCommieKender, DSP decided that automation was blue, logistics is red, and white is still white, lol.
CEbbinghaus, (edited ) Math blue English yellow Science green History brown
Kalothar, This is the way
ricdeh, Never identified with something more
FluminaInMaria, History is yellow/awesome.
English is tan.
CannedTuna, Math is red Science is green History is yellow Writing is blue (because leftovers)
mrmaverick, This person has it right
pixeltree, Math is definitely blue, science is definitely green. ELA was yellow, but history/social studies was purple.
snazzles, Green is maths and I will die on this hill
Delusional, “Wow. Color fight.”
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