BottleOfAlkahest, Is this the sign from vortex springs? The cave that Ben McDaniels may or may not still be in?
Touching_Grass, Now that I’m thinking about itHave any cave divers / spelunker’s ever found treasure?
gibmiser, Yeah a few found a cache of snorkeling gear and a wallet
TheSlad, I have no interest in underwater cave diving, but if I for any reason found my self in this situation (or similar) I would absolutely go on the other side of the sign for quick selfie/photo op, then hurry my ass back to safety. What is one more step when you’ve made it this far?
MacNCheezus, (SpongeBob narrator voice): several hours later…
Smokeydope, Glad to see that the isekai industry is booming and reviving tourism to these places
Enkers, Drr… drr… drr… It was made for me! Th- this is my crevice!
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