When I was nineteen, a friend was driving us home on LSD (please don’t do this). He said that was like a game. The third person in the vehicle said that didn’t make him any more confident. We got home safe, somehow. Lucas, if you’re reading this, good job. Also, fuck you for driving while we were on drugs.
When I was in high school, first time I ever got drunk at a party, I drove home afterwards and just lived 2 blocks away in a small town. I kept saying to myself “no wonder this is illegal” the 5 minutes it took to get home and never drove drunk again. The drunk effect in GTA4 is pretty spot on compared to that real life experience.
My mom swears that she was driving home one night with her cousin in the 70s and their car started floating 6+ feet off of the ground. She also swears it wasn’t at all drug-related. I think my mom has forgotten just how many drugs they were doing in the 70s.
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