With lemmy having a smaller user base my comments are more noticed. This has coaxed out my long dormant sardonic and sarcastic side.
The people of lemmy today get 1000x more offended than Redditors from 15 years ago. It seems like everyone has become ultra fucking fragile.
Also downvotes without explanation are a lot more common. I think this is due to people assuming you’re intent and entire life story from one sentence rather than old Reddit where people would engage you.
i felt the downvotes one in my fucking soul. I asked several times what was wrong even so i stop doing whatever their fragility disliked, but i have never gotten a single answer, that was a mayor contributor to me stop posting altogether
Man, I wish shit was more relaxed like back in the day… people just shaing funny shit, everyone laughing, not being triggered about… whatever the pic was making fun of…
I remember a time during the height of PHPBB forums when they were called image macros and most of them were designed with the implicit purpose of triggering people. That’s where things like this bad boy came from:
Yeah, but the whole point was not to get triggered. The ones that did were roasted to hell and back. Now, everyone’s a snowflake, everyone has rights, don’t make fun of this, don’t make fun of that 😒… I mean… it’s humor man, get over it.
Everyone is entitled to rights, there is no question there, but humor is humor man. You don’t like it, leave. Banning something just because a certain group of people doesn’t like it is not right IMO.
On Futurama one of the popular phrases from the character zoidberg was something like "hey, look it's me your nephew" when he thought his uncle was rich. Don't recall the details, but just riffed on the meme.
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