PrinceWith999Enemies, It’s a tough life in the salami mines.
Sarmyth, It really does look like salami…
Agent641, My father died from working the salami mines. He got the pink lung.
Thermal_shocked, I made my kid watch Zoolander just to make the black lung joke when he coughed
gravitas_deficiency, That’s good parenting right there
shlocko, It ain’t much, but it’s sausage work.
Jerb322, I thought you found bat guano on the floor of a cave…
LemmyKnowsBest, Mmm sausage party
PopcornPrincess, Looks like a milking table.
fossphi, Better than a lemon party
LemmyKnowsBest, There are two things from the internet that I don’t know what they are and I will never look them up, I’m preserving some of my innocence.
- Lemon parties and
- Blue waffles.
I have no idea what either of those are and I don’t want to know.
fossphi, You’re doing good, soldier. To be honest, I’ve also not watched them but I know the context. You’re not missing out
NotSpez, Aah the stalagwursts, very typical for the region!
TheBlue22, 🤤🤤🤤
LordGimp, That’s alotta wainers
jopepa, (edited ) Are these sausages or stalactites?
sagrotan, Saucetites
jopepa, Cute, have an upvote. But what am I looking at here?
Thermal_shocked, Sausagetitties
gravitas_deficiency, Yes
sagrotan, Oh, THERE they grow. The more you know…
Thermal_shocked, 🎶 Daddy would you like some sausage. 🎵
BreadOven, Sausages! Sausages!
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