Low is red, middle is orange and high has a pinkish hue to it. It’s easier to see on the map itself but you can sort of tell on the key. I don’t think the compression helps but it is different.
How old is that data?! France and Ireland should absolutely be red as of now. And don’t get me started on Germany. Can someone please update this horribly outdated map to 2024?
Probably, that seems to be the case with a lot of medical issues. It’s not that they are becoming more frequent, it’s just that we are getting better at diagnosing them.
Not in the slightest, I can’t even work out where his shades are or what direction he’s meant to be facing etc - though I expect as soon as I’m shown I won’t be able to see ot any other way :)
Hahaha! That’s brilliant. I honestly never would have found it - I think I’m so conditioned to just see that map as “Europe and the continents next to it” (or “Crusader Kings II Background”), that my brain wouldn’t allow me to abstract the image :)
Yeah, I know what you mean 😂. I can’t look at that image any other way either 😂. It’s burned in my brain, the first time I saw it, bam, a weird looking dude, and that stayed 😂.
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