768, (edited ) This is extremely unnecessary.
Edit: Also, is this meme about the Russian invasion and subsequent war of aggression? If true, get your subconscious in check.
RedditWanderer, This is actually extremely funny and harmless. It’s such a hyperbole nobody would take insult to it.
TimewornTraveler, (edited ) 768 is nobody?? 🤔🤔
surewhynotlem, Necessary? Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine? No, but I do it anyway because its sterile and I like the taste.
abfarid, Urine isn’t sterile, but as long as you like the taste, I guess.
VaultBoyNewVegas, It was a quote from the movie dodgeball.
abfarid, (edited ) Good to know. I still wasn’t thinking that their* line was serious, just helping inform people that the widely held belief of urine being sterile is false.
Sheeple, (edited ) A Slavic person chimed in it actually is a real phenomena based on a toxic culture in high school that encourages young men to drink an excess of alcohol.
It’s hard to look good when you get peer pressured to drink alcohol until your liver fails
768, Call-slavic-people-ugly-pass?
where_am_i, Oh, hi, random slavic person, can we ask you about your fascinating culture of heavy drinking?
768, No, I live in the successor state to the society that killed millions of ‘slavic’ and East Europeans based on stereotypes like these.
ratman150, You seem angry about a meme.
yamapikariya, As a Slavic person. This isn’t that exaggerated. Usually stems from high alcohol consumption.
Num10ck, Its about war and not valuing human life. Slavic countries historically lose huge amounts of men on the battlefield over and over… so the ratio of available men to women are thrown way off. the surviving men take their pick of the litter for mates.
mashbooq, As a point of clarification, historically russians force huge amounts of Slavic men into war because russians don’t value human life
DragonTypeWyvern, I would say it’s because the modern material circumstances of the state has led them to a surplus of manpower compared to their enemies but a deficiency in industrial efficiency…
But two things can be both true and interdependent.
Nutteman, pick of the litter mates
Dang dawg, save some celibacy for the rest of us
Wizard_Pope, Oh yeah so let us just group all slavs together with Russia and USSR
Kolanaki, (edited ) I find it really weird that the best possible outcome for this seems to be just letting her take her zombie husband home. Like… Just accept he’s dead and move on, lady.
LuckyBoy, You need to continue de quest in act 3
Nutteman, No, she made her choice. Also I fucked a bear, and later an Illythid so she has to fuck the zombie it’s only fair.
0x4E4F, I’ve seen the reverse in slav couples as well… both are not a pretty sight.
Sheeple, Alcoholism unfortunately has it’s consequences
0x4E4F, (edited ) Yep, we do drink a lot.
dudinax, “Why did you marry someone so old?” “He’s 27”
curiousaur, I was advised once as a young man to travel there. It’s the place where the ratio of beauty between men and women is the furthest off kilter, and that an attractive American with a good job could find a woman with supermodel beauty.
Sounded creepy, never did it. If I go there it won’t be for that reason. Just wanted to add that someone in a mentor position to me advised it for that reason. Maybe there’s something to it
MBM, With European context this feels a bit racist. Just replace ‘Slav’ with any other discriminated against group of immigrants (Muslims, Chinese people).
Sheeple, (edited ) With more European context you’ll realise this is about the alcohol health crisis that is spread a lot among men of that area.
If you want a similar example, replace the man with an obese man and “slav” with “American”. A common comedy trope.
Unfortunately people love brushing it off as a “funny stereotype” instead of realising “Wait dude these guys are victims of a health crisis”
jayrodtheoldbod, The first thing that jumped into my head was that meme about American couples where the couple is always Nice, Decently Attractive Woman Plus The Most Racist Man Alive. It’s the same dynamic.
If the Slavic women aren’t drinking, thus making them all on average prettier than the men because drink makes you ugly, then I fear for what they are actually doing instead. Probably cocaine.
Globeparasite, " - Ma’am he is dead.
- no mate, I think he is just Croatian"
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