Hello OP, warm welcome to the schizophrenic community that is linux! I’m running this exact same setup as you intend to.
Couple of points I’d add:
Nvidia and linux is a shit show. You either use the gimped mesa drivers (not so good), or the closed source drivers (even worse), especially on Wayland. If you still want to try it out, I suggest you stick with X11. I was using a 3080Ti and gave up trying to get it to work on Wayland+KDE Plasma v5 without screen glitches and bought a 7900XTX instead. AMD works out of the box without further configuration. I’ve had nothing but issues with Nvidia. For the GPU neckbeards that are going to achytually me, please don’t, I have no skin in this game as I have a bunch of cards from both.
I am not a pro nor expert in the foundations of linux, but I more or less know my way around its fundamentals (enough not to get into too much trouble), so I would actually suggest not getting into a rolling-releasing distro like Tunbleweed until you are super comfortable with a little hands-on and figuring shit out. Pop!_OS might be a better bet for your use case for now because it comes bundled with Nvidia drivers, but it uses a GNOME derivative (cosmic DE) so you don’t actually get the KDE experience.
Having said these, I absolutely adore Tumbleweed and KDE, I’ve been half daily-driving it but the gaming experience is not the absolute best (be prepared to experience weird glitches and crashes). If a flawless gaming experience is non-negotiable to you, stick with Windows. But if you’re ready to explore the quirky wonders of linux, the beauty of it all is the experience and the real reward is the friends you make along the way.
The hardest part is when you need to use tools from windows, or to develop a program for that system. Also, many things require good amount of configuration, and with that, expertise at what you doing. I’m currently struggling with solving bug as to why VSCodium will not debug in external terminal.
Open.qa it is an OpenSUSE tool but it can be used to auto test installs of any OS/software. Their open build service also automates and tests package building
Using free software is the important part, IMO. Not using non-free software is a good wishlist item. But of course there are those who differ with me. :)
but Richard Stallman himself uses a completely free (libre) laptop and even his GNU/Linux distro is 100% free, so he is living by his example!! But ok, can I still use Discord and promote free software?? Woa >u<
A biggie you miss is the toolchain: the compiler/binutils/linux-headers/libc/libstdc++ combination. The libc and usually libstdc++ are key components of any install. The other parts usually don't make it to non-dev-desktops, but the distro couldn't be made without them, so they're virtually always available as packages.
Only exception is if the entire distro is cross-compiled or it's made exclusively for containers, but those kinds of special distros break every rule imaginable anyway. Some might not even ship a bootloader or a Linux kernel by themselves.
Systemd has gone way and beyond what was supposed to be a replacement for init.rc.
Most important thing… not ALL Linux distros include systemd as the default init system. That’s the beauty of Linux (and POSIX in general), you can choose.
If I understand correctly, the filesystem driver is contained within the kernel for all linux-native filesystems (Ext4, XFS, BtrFS, F2FS, etc.), just as drivers for computer components and devices are. But drivers to access NTFS (Windows) and HFS+ (Mac OS) drives are programs in userspace
The major parts of any distro are just bootloader, kernel, init, shell, and package system. The filesystem isn’t “part” of the distro, it’s just an abstraction layer to work with data on the drive, and should be considered independent of the packaged distribution itself.
With the above, you can run the basics of Linux on a device. The DE is not needed, and included packages and libraries are at the discretion of the maintainers. The included choices of all the above is the only thing that differentiates each distro.
If it helps in your understanding at all, back in the day, in order to install something like Slackware, you had to build each layer of these things manually like so: format and partition disk from disk in DOS, copy bootloader to newly partitioned HDD, boot to single user mode, compile kernel, add entries to bootloader, reboot from disk to Linux kernel, open TTY, set user and shell, reboot again, compile DE, set init level and basic services, reboot to DE, and then you had a Desktop.
You pretty much got it, except for the fifth point.
A desktop environment (“DE”) is separate from the compositor (X11 or Wayland), but can’t exist without it.
At the end of the day, a DE is really just a “window manager” with a bunch of bundled applications, like taskbars/panels, a file manager, an app menu, etc. It’s as minimal or as feature rich as you want it to be.
The window manager dictates what to draw on the screen and where, but the compositor is what actually does the work. One is kind of useless without the other.
Hopefully that makes sense, I’m not a rocket surgeon.
If that is the only thing saving you from RSI you’re going to get it anyway.
I’ve had the pleasure, and your body posture and mental state of mind are much more important. Getting up every now and then is also important, changing seat position helps, and doing some sport also helps.
Both of my arms did hurt so much I could not cut my own meat. Mouse or no mouse:(.
I’m half-kidding about this though. I get that the stuff you mentioned are a lot more important. These are the reasons I started exercising and using break timers.
But the thing with learning keyboard driven workflow is that you tend to develop a habit of spam pressing keys if you can’t immediately think of a way to something with less keyword. Especially in vim. Because if I’m not always pressing something, I don’t feel like an expert enough, damn it! So I resorted to spamming hjkl, lol.
When my RSI problems start to develop. I had to really focus and change that habit to slow down and think of a way to press less keys. But still I stopped using vim key equivalents on browsers though, mouse scrolling relaxes my fingers a bit more than key pressing.
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