The EU regularly forces DNS server operators to remove entries or redirect certain domains. It’s super easy to circumvent but most users don’t know that.
The sites I’m thinking of never had their IPs completely blocked, the DNS entries for the domains were just removed. If you were to switch to a non-EU or self-hosted DNS server you’d get to the site.
But the domains in question are generally ones the US/EU/NATO propaganda machine has told people are bad, so there’s no outrage when they’re blocked. In many cases there are often cheers.
Awk has the advantage over Perl/Python/etc. that it’s standardized by POSIX. Therefore you can rely on it on all operating systems. It’s pretty much the only advanced scripting language available that is POSIX – the alternative would be some heavy shell scripting or almost-unreadable sed.
as mentioned by (an) other comment(s), you should add Kakoune under text editors, perhaps with the text:
A modal terminal text editor based on Vi. Kakoune is based on selection before action and is committed to the unix Philosophy.
and when talking about descriptions, I don’t have a problem with the descriptions being subjective in tone, but could you remove the word “master race” from the Vim description ?
while I understand the history of using “master race” in tech related discussions, I think the nazi history overrules that by a long shot. Even if it didn’t have the history it did, the word emanates eugenics.
otherwise, I think it is a nice list and a good initiative :))
awk is supposed to be simpler. If it isn’t, just use your favorite scripting language. It comes from a period of time when a lot of the scripting languages weren’t as easy to use or readily available.
I don’t like the idea of configuring pm (or anything else) using a programming language. So I would try nix first if I feel that I need it. However I don’t.
The ultimate output of Nix is one set of data, usually the description of a derivation (~= package). You cannot cause arbitrary side-effects with it like writing to files or making network requests with it.
Best use-case of AWK is that you can avoid using grep for picking a Nth word in specific line. I tend to ask GPT4 to write one-liner for me. Works super great.
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