Pop OS is great because of up to date kernel and drivers, and they even have a specific version created for nvidia gpus, on disadvantage is that gnome version is a bit old, but its very stable at least
I just took it favoring a daily driver for gaming and every distro it gave had either didn’t work, isn’t optimized for, or requires additional config for gaming.
We are making dbus-broker our default implementation of D-Bus, for improved performance, reliability and integration with systemd.
For the foreseeable future we will still support the use of dbus-daemon, the previous implementation. Pacman will ask you whether to install dbus-broker-units or dbus-daemon-units. We recommend picking the default.
For a more detailed rationale, please see our RFC 25.
I almost never share an entire screen, but rather single application windows; when I absolutely must share visual information from multiple applications simultaneously, I create a separate virtual desktop for presenting. Is this not possible?
I know this is possible, but it makes switching different windows a chore. Since I have GUI programs running under different users, I would want the screensharing program to not even be aware that other user’s GUI programs are in the screen
Oh wow! This is excellent news! I hope they’ll also provide other privacy/security related features like Heads, the removal of the camera and/or microphone modules, pre-installed privacy screen, tamper-evident screws and packaging.
Honestly, I don’t know if that’s the case; I always got scared whenever I saw the prerequisites for Heads in combination with the strict list of supported hardware. FWIW, the NV41 that’s used for enabling Heads on NovaCustom’s device is included in the short list of supported hardware for Heads, while -unfortunately- the same doesn’t apply to the StarBook. I would love to be proven wrong though!
I’m Arch and so is my wife (actually) and it doesn’t have a version. We just roll … and today my dongled, wireless mouse has stopped moving. The buttons still work and my laptop touchpad works fine.
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