I know this isn’t a real answer, but it’s what I use as a stop gap measure… I basically have a text file called buffer, and ssh into the VM on a terminal on my host, and paste into the buffer file.
I know it’s lame, but for simple text and stuff, it works. For things like files and pics, I use a shared drive.
If someone has a better answer… Please let me know!
So this is a service aimed at exposing disks as nvme-tcp boot targets on boot of the system? I mean I love it, I wonder if this could be used to help with a chicken and egg problem I’ve had with building clustered systems easier. So far I either need a running service to host a network file system (like NFS or CEPH), or I need local disks that bootstrap the clustered storage environment.
Do you mount the drives using their /dev/sdX entries or via UUID? Because it sounds like you're using /dev/sdX entries (which you really shouldn't, because their names can randomly change, by design). Use /dev/disk/by-id/... directly for mounting or, alternatively, fill /etc/zfs/vdev_id.conf (see example below) and define the pool using their aliases.
alias Bay1 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-XXXXXXXXXXX1-YYYYY1_ZZZZZZZ4
alias Bay2 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-XXXXXXXXXXX2-YYYYY2_ZZZZZZZ4
alias Bay3 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-XXXXXXXXXXX3-YYYYY3_ZZZZZZZ4
alias Bay4 /dev/disk/by-id/ata-XXXXXXXXXXX4-YYYYY3_ZZZZZZZ4
Not much really. It is great, but slow as shit and makes me want to toss my computer across the room. I just want to install one tiny 5 kb package, I don’t want you to take 10 minutes checking all the RPM fusions repos and go to the moon and back then install my package. No, just install the damn thing. I’ll ask you when I need you to check that long list of repos. 😂
I actually did install it. I hate to judge it in a virtual machine, but I’ve noticed a small difference. It’s still slow, but not as slow as the other one. Fun fact, the only reason why I don’t use fedora is that I hate their installer. I have 3 drives on my PC, and I’m so scared that I’d mess things up and lose my photos/videos/games etc 😂 The installer is so confusing. I remember figuring it out once then just forgot it again.
I custom install every time, partially to preserve my user data partition, partially because I don’t like the defaults (I like mirroring my disks and leaving space to grow into later if I want)
Same here, that’s why I have 3 different drives in my PC, 512GB nvme ssd for root, 1TB SATA SSD for home, and 2 TB SATA SSD just for games/emulation and steam
Arch btw: it is much stable that many Linux users think, there are a ton of guide to do/repair things thanks to Arch Wiki, and, last but not least, it has the AUR repository in which you can find basically all software you will ever need; the only malus the AUR repository has is that you have to compile every software you install with it (even if sometimes they are precompiled).
P.S. if you want a “ready-to-go” arch distro, install EndevourOs and set the btrfs file system with timeshift. Here’s a guide.
Some package managers do have differences that justify a separate project (nix, gentoo’s portage, etc).
For others, sometimes package managers are very similar feature-wise. But some developers would rather remake the thing because they would understand their code a lot better than someone else’s. Or because it would be far easier for them to customize rather than extend another project.
Imo it is developer laziness. Being able to use other people’s work is a valuable skill. But then again, this is open source, and people are free to develop the software they want the way they want.
I think a lot of what drives the creation of redundant open source tools is that the urge to address a matter of personal taste meets the urge to start a new project, so people create new things that are different in key ways from older ones, but not necessarily better, and not necessarily even different enough to justify the amount of work that goes into them.
In some ways it feels a lot easier to start a new project then to build off an existing one:
You don’t have to familiarize yourself with the old code, which may be in a language you don’t know or don’t like
You don’t have to deal with the existing maintainers, who may or may not be supportive of the changes you want to make
You don’t have to support use cases that don’t matter to you personally
apk isn’t any more or less than using dpkg by itself, or opkg. As for what I use, I use Arch at home and Ubuntu on my virtual machines (because they’re officially supported by my hosting provider). They work for me. I like them.
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