Title. Just wondering if I did something bad/terrible with it. Link is @ title. Check the image tag @ its repo to see how it was built. And before someone asks… the Docker lemmy community is really dead so I had to resort to you guys. Sorry, I guess....
For a long time Firefox Desktop development has supported both Mercurial and Git users. This dual SCM requirement places a significant burden on teams which are already stretched thin in parts. We have made the decision to move Firefox development to Git....
How does this coverage hold up? It was a fun read from back in my highschool days, when I was still five years from trying Linux on my own AMD Thunderbird 1Ghz. It wasn’t until 2008 that I tried again and it stuck.
LXQt 1.4 debuted today as the newest feature release for this lightweight Qt desktop environment that was formed years ago as the merging of the LXDE and Razor-qt projects....
I’m happy to see the improvements in the mobile side of things ( phosh ). As per different reviews i heard , what it mainly need are perfomance improvements though.