alias battery='upower -i $(upower -e | grep 'BAT') | grep -E "state|to full|percentage"' # Get the battery level of my laptop server when I ssh into it
alias audio="yt-dlp -f 'ba' -x --audio-format mp3" # Download the audio version of a youtube video
alias wttr="curl" # Get the weather of my city in the terminal
Terminal Navigation
alias ba2sy="cp ~/.bash_aliases ~/Sync/" # copy my current iteration of my aliases to my shared syncthing folder so that it's accessible across devices
alias sy2ba="cp ~/Sync/.bash_aliases ~/" # replace the current iteration of my aliases w/ the synced version from my syncthing folder
alias mba='micro .bash_aliases' # open my aliases file in the modernized version of 'nano'
alias reload="source ~/.bashrc" # Quickly refresh my system so that the latest alias file is loaded
alias l='exa --group-directories-first -hlras modified --no-user --icons' # exa is a prettier version of ls. Options toggled: Human-readable, long format, reverse output, show hidden files/folders, sort by modified, hide the 'user' column since I'm the only one that uses the computer, and show the icons to make it look fancy```
Replaced Commands
alias cat='batcat --theme=ansi ' # Replace generic output of cat w/ a formatted version. This is bat (batcat in Debian)
alias rm='trash ' # Instead of auto-deleting files, put them in the 'trash' bin for 30 days, then delete.
Server & Docker-related
alias lazy='/home/macallik/.local/bin/lazydocker' # Run Docker
alias pad='ssh MyPad20334' # shorthand to ssh into my server