I know that most people will write off San Francisco because “Apple bad,” but I really do love it. Simple, looks great, and does its job with nothing crazy. Same goes for New York. Credit where it is due: I think Apple makes great fonts.
I use Recoleta (in the alternative version) for my personal stuff. I just like the look of it and it’s IMO good for both body text and headlines. I also like the slight 70s vintage style.
Period. Full stop. A line of nothing but exclamation points. The Iosevka family blows every other mono-width font out of the water with at LEAST one, if not more, of its extremely customizable variations.
For monospace, Bitstream Vera Sans Mono. Was set in my terminal already, but I've just switched Firefox to it as of this comment because I forgot to after a recent upgrade. The default was Liberation Mono, which I don't have much of a problem with (hence me taking so long to do anything about it), but the serifs on BVSM are a bit less severe.
Liberation Serif as the default browser font is fine. Most sites define their own proportional fonts these days anyway, but less so for preformatted text.
For the OS in general, usually the defaults are inoffensive. There was a push a while back to use the Ubuntu font that I really don't like, and there I think I actually substituted it for the non-mono Bitstream Vera Sans, or some other similar font.
Vera is a Verdana-like font, which you'll know if you prefer the Microsoft options.
A custom Iosevka build for terminal and code and B612 font for everything else on the desktop. I moved recently from Monoid and Atkinson Hyperledgible.
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