I always use Windows fonts with Linux. What font do you use?
I always use Windows fonts with Linux. What font do you use?
conciselyverbose, I've set my ereaders to roboto thin or roboto light. I haven't been motivated enough to try to change fonts on other platforms.
BananaTrifleViolin, I use Noto Sans, or the Liberation Sans / Liberation Serif fonts. Tend to have a mix but Noto Sans for most desktop/GUI fonts.
I also quite like Libre Caslon and EB Garamond as serif fonts for reading, so tend to use those with e-reader software or on my ereader device.
I do install the old Microsoft Fonts just in case/out of habit but they seem to be disappearing from the internet fast now.
ardent_abysm, ![]()
I use for discoverablility, but download the fonts from the GitHub repositories.
UI: Inter (if I bother changing the default)
Reading: Source Serif 4, Literata, and Noto Serif
Terminal: Fira Code
Text editor: Fira Code
Document output: EB Garamond, Source Serif 4, and STIX Two Text
Symbols: Noto Sans Symbols, Noto Sans Symbols 2, Symbols Nerd Font
Microsoft fonts largely don’t have the character coverage I need or are not better than what is available under open licenses.
Embedding fonts in documents negages the need for others to have matching fonts installed on their computer.
MyNameIsRichard, ![]()
I use KDE which has noto sans as its default. I use fira code for my terminal and ide though.
sedot, Inter and Fantasque Sans Mono .
Dirk, ![]()
What font do you use?
DejaVu Sans for basically everything. DejaVuSans Mono for things I need a monospace font for. Nerdfonts Symbols for various icons/symbols to show icons in Neovim or Waybar for example.
words_number, I use Inter for the UI and SF Mono (from Macos) for terminal and coding.
PlexSheep, Default plasma stuff and fora code NF for terminals and code editors (I use neovim mostly, so that’s the same in many cases)
heygooberman, ![]()
I’m on Linux Mint, and I installed the default fonts used on Pop OS, which are Fira and Roboto Slab
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