UNRAID on sale 23-27 November
Unraid running a Cyber Weekend Sale + a neat giveaway in late november! Link -> unraid.net/blog/cyber-weekend-giveaway
Unraid running a Cyber Weekend Sale + a neat giveaway in late november! Link -> unraid.net/blog/cyber-weekend-giveaway
LunchEnjoyer, Not sure about the dislikes? Wrong community for this? Should I remove it?
NanoooK, Keep it.
yote_zip, Where’s the fun in paying someone else to do it all for you?
MergerFS+SnapRAID will give you a very similar set of features/flexibility compared to UNRAID storage. OpenMediaVault has native MergerFS+SnapRAID support and can also do ZFS - I would look at that for a comparable alternative. Otherwise, I’m very fond of a Proxmox host with a TrueNAS VM for ZFS pool management, or just managing the ZFS pool with the Proxmox host itself through this cockpit extension.
GlitzyArmrest, I’m usually all for setting up things myself, but unRAID is just too good. Not to mention their support forums have saved me more than once.
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