OK, then here’s what you do. Wipe the NVME, install your main OS on it. Boot to it, it should read the SATA drive. Mount it, copy whatever you need from it to the NVME drive. Then wipe the SATA drive (dd or any other program of your choice). Install your second OS on the SATA drive, but skip installing the bootloader. Reboot, boot to your man OS, set grub to search for other installed OSes on the laptop, update grub. The second OS should appear in grub’s menu.
If the data on the SATA drive is bigger than what the NVME can take, use BTRFS with compression (zstd=10 should do it, after the copy, you can drop the compression to 5 for better performance) on the main OS. It will compress binaries or plain text/document files quite nicely. Media, not so much, but it will cut down a few % off it.
Also, when you update the kernel on the second OS, grub won’t detect that. You have to manually switch to the new kernel, but from the main OS. Also, removing old kernels on the second OS will become more complicated, since there is no bootloader installed for it.