That is actually what I’m currently doing, in fact my file server is already organized in this way, but i personally don’t like it for offline backups because it still forces me to play digital tetris and work out what directories will fit on what drive, and there is also the issue that some of my directories, particularly the one containing all the lossless files from my (hobby) photography work, is getting close to growing larger than 1 TB at this point (I do a ton of urban and industrial photography and I honestly might have most of the interesting parts of my city documented at this point, plus different versions the same scene with different settings which is how I ended up with so much data). Though I suppose I can just split it into separate years instead of just one huge directory. I’m personally hoping for something that can automate this process so I don’t have to consciously keep track of it as much (I don’t trust my brain sometimes), currently experimenting with some of the suggested solutions, maybe I’ll find one that works better, if not then I’ll stick to the method you mentioned. Thank you for the suggestion though!