I was shocked when I went from “I’ve never used spacemacs before” to “I’m comfortably writing LaTeX here” in about half an hour.
This line really piqued my interest, especially considering that I’ve had another conversation with someone else in which the general sentiment seemed to be that “Spacemacs expects you to know Emacs, while being a completely different beast of itself.”. May I ask how your Spacemacs is configured? Would you say it’s close to the default config? Or rather a significant departure? Furthermore, I believe I’ve read the existence of some kind of version control. Which, at least by the name of it, should somehow contribute to a more stable experience. Or am I perhaps confusing things?
My setup still breaks occasionally and sometimes it’s a bit difficult to figure out why and how to fix it
Does this happen randomly? Or rather as a ‘response’?
I like being able to change how the editor works on the fly just by writing some elisp anywhere
This sounds very interesting and promising. Would you mind providing an example of sorts such that I can perhaps better grasp both the sheer amount of new possibilities it provides as well as its (possible) limitations (if at all)?
I like that emacs has been around for decades and will be around for decades more.
I wholeheartedly agree! But, I am at least somewhat concerned when it comes to its ‘gravitational pull from afar’. To me at least, it seems as if, currently, Neovim does a better job at attracting new people. Perhaps these are just mostly refugees from Vim. Nonetheless, it can’t be ignored (I think). Would you mind sharing your thoughts on this?