What distros have you tried and thought, "Nope, this one's not for me"?
I’ve been using Linux Mint since forever. I’ve never felt a reason to change. But I’m interested in what persuaded others to move.
I’ve been using Linux Mint since forever. I’ve never felt a reason to change. But I’m interested in what persuaded others to move.
brayd, Honestly everything besides Debian and Arch after distro hopping for years.
tigerjerusalem, Anything that’s not Ubuntu, because it’s the “mainstream Linux”, so guaranteed I’ll find anything I need there.
Samueru, (edited ) It pains me to say this, but voidlinux, though I’m still not in the stage of “this one is not for me”, it has potential and hopefully I can sort all the issues I’ve encountered so far.
I’ve tried multiple distros, and also used artix for a while so I’m used to not using systemd but man void is really another thing, this isn’t the first time I’ve used it, I tried it a year ago and gave up, recently I decided that I’m up for the challenge and began using it again, here’s what has happened so far:
Well right now I’m dealing with the pc freezing when quitting the user session, for some reason I need to exit i3 before logging out, otherwise the system freezes.
Also I wasn’t able to get a clean boot screen even though I had the typical kernel parameters quiet, loglevel, etc, it even prints info on the login prompt where I should be putting my username, though I managed to mitigate this a lot by passing a kernel parameter that tells it to use another tty for the boot messages.
file-roller is broken, I can’t compress some directories to 7zip, the weird thing is that it only happens to some directories and not all.
Though the very good news is that they fix issues very fast, puddletag was broken and they fixed it in like 2 hours after I reported the issue.
Edit: It is not just file-roller that is broken, it is all of 7zip on void, I can’t compress with xarchiver either
librards_sucks, Fadora or ache are pretty good
01189998819991197253, (edited ) elementary os. Installed it, and noped right out of there the same day. On paper, it should be great. Maybe the execution was flawless for macfans, but it was not for me. I do appreciate how they tried to make an easy transitional Linux for macfans, though, and I do not regret the donation because of that fact.
SendMePhotos, Wasn’t a fan of Ubuntu, RedHat, Debían…
I guess I’m just a Fedora person? I’m on KDE right now, usually Xfce. Idk I’m enjoying my KDE experience.
Mint was pretty smooth. No complaints.
Interstellar_1, Mint, actually. I tried it and found it too similar to windows and not customisable enough for my liking.
Goun, Ubuntu. It has become so shitty over time, it’s oretty sad.
phoenixz, Ubuntu. Started out great but every release got worse with time.
I’ve always used KDE, so always was on kubuntu, or mint, but my latest kubuntu install managed to piss me off badly with its systemd taking over. A simple 10 seconds port=number config in sshd_config change now requires 20 minutes of searches, documentation readup, cursing, and jumping systemd hoops
FUCK systemd
Also FUCK SNAP. Absolute horrid garbage.
My next distro will be debian or some derivative, bye bye Ubuntu
Goun, I’ve learned to like systemd over time, but not snaps and how Canonical handles things.
Debian also uses systemd nowadays, maybe you can try devuan (I think that’s how it’s called,) which is debian based but without systemd. I only tried it once on a server but came back to debian.
sagedemage, I hopped to many distros and found Ubuntu to be my home.
- Mint => Desktop looks dated and ugly
- POP! OS => Unstable for Ubuntu distro
- Rest of Ubuntu forks => nothing special about them
- Arch Linux => Too bleedy edge
- Debian => stale packages (Really solid distro though but dated version of Gnome)
- Ubuntu => Really solid distro (It is a great balance between stability and bleeding edge)
dan, (edited ) Debian => stale packages (Really solid distro though but dated version of Gnome)
Did you try using the testing or unstable versions of Debian? Testing is still more stable than some other distros. Packages need to be in unstable with no major bug reports for 10 days before they migrate to testing.
sagedemage, I forgot to mention that I did try Debian testing. I did like it came with a recent version of Gnome. However, I did had a few problems with it:
- I personally found it updates more frequently then I like it. I found that the user interface for Gnome changes often.
- If I want to install MySQL workbench, it does not have a download link for Debian at all.
- I did got a weird crash bug with Krita on Debian testing. I am not sure if it was Debian’s or Krita’s fault.
I did found Debian testing to be slightly unstable. I decided, I will give Ubuntu a shot again and was happy with that decision.
neonred, Try Debian sid (unstable), from my experience it’s actually more stable than testing because it gets updates even more often.
And ditch Gnome. There is no way to be happy with it as it craps out very often and is a maintenance burden for maintainers, therefore the quality differs so much.
Mubelotix, Fedora => opposite of debian. Bleeding edge, but that means you have to spend an insane amount of time updating or it will reach EOL in no time
woelkchen, you have to spend an insane amount of time updating
How slow is your internet connection?
or it will reach EOL in no time
Sure you don’t confuse Fedora with non-LTS Ubuntu releases? According to docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/releases/lifecycle/ each release is supported for 13 months which isn’t 10 years of LTS but hardly “in no time” either.
Mubelotix, I don’t mean downloading updates I mean manually updating your configuration to adapt to new versions of the software. That’s what takes time. I know 13 months is already quite high but it feels too low for me. I’m running servers over longer periods than that
pete_the_cat, Fedora annoys me (even though I’ve been using it for like 2.5 years on my work laptop) because a lot of packages that would be in extra in something like the Ubuntu (and it’s derivatives) or Arch (and it’s derivatives) is in a separate repository that you have to add.
GenBlob, Any distro that’s based on an existing one but changes or adds very little to it. There are so many dead Ubuntu and Debian reskins
Hildegarde, I have liked Ubuntu based distros until they release a major update. They are aimed at beginners and they work fine for that. If you use one to the end of support, the updater will say that your software is up to date because there are no new updates.
You have to check the website to find out you’ve reached the end of support, and to get instructions on how to update.
That is an awful user expierence for beginnners, and a great way to have users using vulnerable software without knowing about it.
I’ve switched to rolling releases for this exact reason.
phpinjected, Arch
Benaaasaaas, Ubuntu, tried to install vim 8 when it released, too bad they only update major package versions once every 2 years. Find myself some random dudes repo, great it’s vim 8, too bad it was compiled w/o python support… Installed Manjaro (arch based) and never looked back.
berryjam, Ubuntu. I hated not being able to customize certain things and it had some interesting bugs on my hardware. Switching to a different distro solved those issues
toastal, Was that an Ubuntu problem or a GNOME thing?
berryjam, I have no idea. This was more than 5 years ago. Fwiw I now use Arch (sans Gnome) and I’m very happy with the experience.
people_are_cute, Literally all of them have shite color management and fractional scaling that blurs everything. It’s an eyesore.
I really, really want to use Linux for multimedia consumption but I can’t.
toastal, (edited ) Yet color management seems to have negative priority for Wayland while the Wayland push is strong at present. Shit or not, at least X11 has basic color management via ICC profiles; Wayland be like ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Metz, KDE wayland has added ICC support in the KDE 6 beta. (and basic HDR).
toastal, But that’s likely competing with the ongoing, multi-year spec for it
Shimitar, To all gentoo detractors… 20 years ago compiling a browser would take 5 days (as in 24 x 5 hours…) So you are not allowed to complain TODAY about compile times ahahahaahaha ahahaha ahah haha aaaaaaaaah ಠ_ಠ
pete_the_cat, I remember jumping from Ubuntu (my first distro) to a Gentoo stage 2 install in 2005. I was using it on my desktop so I needed a GUI. I was using either a high end P4 or an X2 Athlon. I attempted to compile KDE and all the deps. It would compile X for about 10-20 hours… and then the compilation would break with a seemingly obscure error message.
I tried a few times and never did get a GUI built.
Shimitar, Today on Intel i7/Xeon with 16gb ram I go from a stage3 to full GUI (plasma, no libreoffice or such) in a few hours.
pete_the_cat, I’ve considered giving it a go again since I have a 24 core Threadripper which could easily compile everything pretty quickly, I just never got around to it.
porl, Try accidentally
emerge world
on a full desktop environment with open office and said browser on a Pentium 2 after changing some base level compile flags… Oh, and I was on dial-up. Didn’t do that again.I got Gentoo on a DVD with instructions in a magazine for a Stage 1 build. No internet connection at that stage so I had to work through problems myself. Took a few goes but I learnt a heck of a lot about how Linux boots.
Been a very long time so apologies if I got some details wrong.
JeffKerman1999, Yeah I remember trying it out on a k6-2 400 MHz (maybe? I don’t remember if that was it’s rated speed of it it was with the bus at 112mhz) and it was days of downloading sources and even more for compiling. I think there was a bootable CD bundled with some zine that allowed you to have something running on your machine
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