youngyoshieboy, Done with it since I graduated, from then 4 years with Linux and still go on
7fb2adfb45bafcc01c80, Yup! Since 1993… Started Linux on my desktop and haven’t looked back.
phoenixz, That was me about 22 years ago already. I’ve had a Linux desktop for 22 years and anytime I see a windows desktop I’m just wondering why anyone would accept such trash…
Pantherina, (edited ) Opposite.
Fedora with KDE is a Pain, and GNOME is simply underpowered a lot.
Installing GrapheneOS or programming a microcontroller just didnt work. I have no idea of udev rules and these things should work better. (Tbh I will try to fix the packages)
Also processes crashing just often freeze my entire everything. No seperation, no ctrl+alt+del task manager which nearly always works. The task manager is a normal app, and it just doesnt start if the desktop is down.
Virt-manager has not enough RAM? Yeah, Plasma crashes and I need a hard reboot. Yay.
Meanwhile Windows sucks, but it works. Also it is better for
- collaborative normie documents
- office: easy presentations (again, collaboration), excel: easy graphs with a UI that makes sense
- arcgis: qgis is better on surface, but all the underground transformation tools are so messed up.
Many things in Uni make me get insane on Linux. Being the only one literally learning another program, while learning a bit of that proprietary license garbage too, is burnout and I will probably fail in the “recognize this button in arcGis and explain how to do x” exam.
Titou, used to do collaborative works on Linux, never had any issues
mariusafa, I’m done both with windows and people that develope software that’s only compatible with windows. Kind of c# shitters.
NOOBMASTER, I’m not done with it until it is eradicated from all the computers and tablets of this world.
jimbolauski, I have a work Windows laptop that I refer to as my time machine. If not for having to use it for time sheets, email, word, and PowerPoint fun I’d kick the habit all together.
fxt_ryknow, I’m forced to use windows in my career life… But I moved to Linux entirely at home back in 05-06.
Jayb151, I just installed kubuntu on my daily driver. That didn’t go super well so I tried endeavor, also didn’t go well. It could be kde plasma, but it did not feel like Linux is ready to compete for something that is ready out the box.
That said, I run endeavor on my little netbook tablet and it works a wonder, so no idea. I couldn’t even get steam to load on my desktop for some reason. I tried Linux on my desktop for half a day, then decided to run back to Win11 with my tail between my legs. It just wasn’t with the hassle. Steam didn’t work, permissions for my second hard drive for Plex were messed up. I just didn’t want to have to figure it out. I’m back comfy with windows, and just experimenting with my netbook for the time being.
I really wanted Linux to stick this time… Oddly, I was using Ubuntu on my daily driver back in 2012 without a problem.
AVengefulAxolotl, Its crazy how polarizing the Linux experience can be. Was it a desktop or laptop? For me it was just a few clicks (Manjaro then Endeavour) on the first try and be done with it on my desktop PC. Also with dual booting.
Hopefully next time you will have more luck! “Sadly” I cannot go back to windows now, I got Linux-pilled. Linux just treats my right without any Microsoft ads.
Jayb151, Yes, I’m keeping kubuntu on my laptop because it works great. My desktop is going to have to be Windows for now
BigTrout75, Nope. I have to know how fix everyone else’s computer.
django, I just tell everyone, that i can only help with Linux.
ISOmorph, You’re a nicer person than I am. Being able to (lie and) say “no clue how that works on windows, I use linux” is a freaking blessing
const_void, There are way way too many testimonials here lately about switching to Linux or installing Arch, etc. These aren’t interesting.
neytjs, Yep. Windows XP was my last Windows and when it became obsolete I permanently switched to Linux Mint (without dual-booting). Everything that I use has worked very well. I’ve never even thought about switching back to Windows.
mvirts, So done, except when my employer uses windows 😹
HulkSmashBurgers, Hell yeah I am. I’ve been using linux since 2019. I bought a dell laptop and installed manjaro.
I recently discovered GNU Guix and decided to install it onto an old desktop (built in 2009) I had laying around. I used a system crafters custom installer and the accompanying video to do a non-libre kernel install. I’ve been liking Guix and I think I’m going to install it onto my laptop and make it my daily driver.
PlutoniumAcid, The sheer amount of tech lingo in your post is exactly why most people won’t switch. We just want to use the damn thing, not tinker with it all night.
Thcdenton, Not yet. I’m not upgrading windows again so the day draws near.
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