And all the people that provide the free software RH is using and making money with don’t count?! How about RH subscribe to all their projects to be able to repackage and redistribute their code, and if one of them doesn’t like RH then they’ll just cut them off like RH is doing to their customers. Does that sound like a good direction for the OSS ecosystem to you?
Of course RH does also provide back to the community, but that is the whole deal! You get free and open code, you give back free and open code. And they are a big company making a lot of money, so of course they should also contribute much more than a handful of devs would. That shouldn’t give them the privilege to unilaterally change this deal.
I get that it’s technically within the bounds of the GPL, but it’s a loophole and not how an “OSS company” should act imo! The whole OSS ecosystem as we know it would collapse if all projects started doing this.