
I still have issues with certain ASUS cards that simply crash the whole system when it gets too high a load or something. I’ve never been able to find a solution for it and I fear I never will.




I just had a look. It’s the Asus PCE-N10. From what I can find they have the Realtek RTL8188CE chipset.

0x4E4F, (edited )

Yeah, Realtek WiFi cards are known to be problematic in Linux. Lan as well, but not to that extent.

Just swap the card with another one, no need to pull hair over it, it will most probably never work like it should.


I’ve started using usb wifi adapters so I can easily swap them out if they don’t work. Looks less neat to me but it is what it is.


They have a very very limited range. I have used them, but only if the AP is in the same room, otherwise, they crap out.

PS: Everything’s built from reinforced concrete and cinderblocks/bricks around here (seismically active region), so we have trouble with all sorts of wireless signals, including WiFi and 3/4G. 5G is out of the question here. We do have the towers, but less than 1% of users actually use them.

Urist, (edited ) avatar

LPT: Swapping Wifi modules is (sometimes at least) stupidly easy to do. I had a shitty

Trigger WarningRealtek wifi card

and bought an Intel card to replace it for about 30 bucks. Begone random disconnects and packet drops. Note that this was on a laptop and it was still just an issue of removing a few screws and swapping modules.


LPT - Line Print Terminal? 🤨

sapient_cogbag, avatar

Life Pro Tip

uis, avatar

To be fair most wifi device manufacturers are bastards and don’t publicise manuals.

khannie, avatar

Fucking fuck realtek

umbrella, avatar

wifi drivers are fine nowadays

still have issues with some webcams tho

FartsWithAnAccent, avatar

Remember ndiswrapper?


Don’t remind me 😔…

Ooops, avatar

No, that buried deep in the box with suppressed memories. So thank you for reminding me.


The very evening I installed Linux for the first time (I think it was Ubuntu 12.04), my Wifi stick was the first major hurdle. I was a teenager, had no idea about package managers and such, but the drivers for my stick were only available in an uncompiled format, so I had to first learn what build utils and kernel dev packages were, download them and their dependencies onto the windows PC of my dad and copy them onto a CD.

After I had figured all that out (took me.a while), I learned how to compile on the fly.

After I had run ./configure and it finallyfinally ran through without error, the config script had this last line:

Configure done successfully. Now type 'make' and pray

Things have changed over the years, but they haven't changed enough.

NaoPb, (edited )

Whenever I come across something I’d have to build myself, I just give up. No matter the instruction, there is always something wrong.

0x4E4F, (edited )

That is true on any LTS distro. Try rolling release, works without a glitch almost every time… well, at least on Void it does.


I read the previous comment and thought to myself "I bet there is some reply about LTS vs rolling release to this". I KNEW IT!

0x4E4F, (edited )

Yep, been in the same boat 😂. Was an LTS fan for a long long time till I realized… this shit ain’t worth it 😂.

Everthing there is out there in 99% of the cases compiles against latest libraries. And well, LTS is just… lagging behind 🤷. So, you solve one lib dependcy and then, bam, another one pops up… OK, solved that one, bam, another one 😒… it just gets frustrating to compile stuff on LTS.

And then you get all sorts of errors from the package manager cuz you did the unthinkable - install latest libs on an LTS distro.

LTS is good for one thing only nowadays - servers.


Interesting. I did not know about that. I’ll be sure to give rolling a try then.


Compiling starts to work rather well once you've done it a few times. Especially when you get more used to understanding what ./configure tries to tell you. You should really try to get behind that, since you Linux will


Allright. You’ve convinced me not to give up.

And that Rick Roll song perfectly sums up how I personally think of Linux. I will not be giving it up. And I will not be saying goodbye.


This has to be the best script message I’ve ever seen 😂.


Netgear WiFi USB drivers. Weren't good for much, but this one message was true as fuck!

CowsLookLikeMaps, (edited )

If you want some irony, on a recent Ubuntu install I was able to access WiFi out of the box but the small windoze dual boot partition refused to connect to a WiFi 6 router. Tried upgrading driver, downgrading drivers, nothing… The computer came shipped with windows 10.

possiblylinux127, (edited )

The good news: Broadcom got out of the labtop industry

Bad news: Broadcom is in the phone industry


Really? They don’t do Wi-Fi and BT chips any more?


I think they still do some but its rare to find a Broadcom device

ilovesatan, avatar

Am I the only person who doesn’t have WiFi problems?

be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

I don't think I have for more than a decade and I'm kinda amazed at how many upvotes this meme got.

Montagge, avatar

The one I had was completely minor. The wifi on my NUC doesn't work if you use the proprietary driver but it does work with whatever the kernel for Mint 21.2 has in it.

seaQueue, avatar

It’s not so bad if you’re running a major distro kernel and they do some prerelease testing before cutting new kernel packages. But if you’re using the latest release from the stable tree WiFi driver regressions happen somewhat regularly.

be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

Ah, a very common use case.


Why tho


10-15 years ago, it was a problem dire enough to drive me back to windows until about the start of the pando, and I've not even thought about Wi-Fi drivers since coming back to Linux.

I did have issues with a cheap USB Wi-Fi dongle thing a few years back, but that was likely the fault of the dongle more than anything else, I know because it didn't really work under widows either.


Gotta love notebooks and their weird and rarely wonderful Wifi-Chips attached via SDIO. Even the intel cards can have problems!


Now we’re in the realm of weird sound drivers from integrated chipsets. Thankfully sof-firmware exists


You should switch to rolling release memes, yours are outdated.


Have some respect for the classics

Moobythegoldensock, (edited )

Please get this bad boy working well on rolling release, then:

KISSmyOS, (edited )

This isn’t a Linux compatibility issue. You bought a device where the manufacturer told you in advance that a driver for the built-in wifi module doesn’t exist yet. It’s a product at the development stage.

So just follow the manufacturer’s recommendation from the product page: use a wifi dongle for now and pat yourself on the back for being an early adopter.

Moobythegoldensock, (edited )

Having the device, I already tether the wifi. But it is indeed a compatibility issue: the old kernel drivers for the chip were janky and it’s doubtful how well they even worked the time. The code is apparently such a hot mess that the people who were working on it have stopped making progress. There is now skepticism that it will ever be fully functional.


Yeah, you’re too young to remember the glory days 😂.


I’m old enough but it’s not the case anymore.

seaQueue, avatar

Jesus Christ OP use trigger warnings



seaQueue, avatar

Broadcom looks good next to Realtek, and both of them stand head and shoulders above Mediatek.




WiFi be like that


If you think that’s bad, try wifi on FreeBSD


I’ve read that the only way to get usable speeds is to set your wifi device up inside a linux container.


set your wifi device up inside a linux container

Could you tell me how I could do that? I don’t think FreeBSD jails support anything other than the linux compatibility layer

KISSmyOS, (edited )

At least I found someone who likes Yorushika!

Cut her some slack, she’s barely 21. At 21 I was a nugget of dung when it came to technicalities like this

ryannathans, (edited )

Or to get anything past wifi 4, or to use 5ghz

It’s bullshit because there are many products on the market running freebsd with great wifi (PlayStation as one example)


Just goes to show you that permissive licenses are generally not a good thing 🤷.


Meh, I still generally prefer them. Not like everyone would be able to use the PlayStation wifi hardware anyway


Each to his own ☺️ 🤷.


Wait, what’s past 5Ghz

AVincentInSpace, (edited )

Those have gotten a lot better in recent years. Last time I had an issue with WiFi drivers was in 2016.

Graphics drivers, on the other hand, especially Optimus…


Some of us are still recovering from the trauma


I sometimes still think about the time I was trying to print in 1996.


Iwlwifi firmware-a0-gf has not been detected… 😔

remotelove, (edited ) avatar

I never have. Just thinking about WiFi and Bluetooth drivers on random laptops still puts me into a full flashback state. (My first experience was back in 2002, I think?)

However, getting all of that stuff working was the best learning experience I ever had. At the time, I was just learning about IT security and WiFi pcap was all the rage back then.


I never have. Just thinking about WiFi and Bluetooth drivers on random laptops still puts me into a full flashback state. (My first experience was back in 2002, I think?)


Same, flashbacks to being in college trying to get Wi-Fi working in Fedora on my laptop and then struggling to get it to work with my uni’s new Wi-Fi system. Frustrating, but a great learning experience as you said.


Even a decade ago it usually meant ticking a box that you also allowed nonfree drivers.

Even Debian allowed you to download the specific nonfree driver you needed and add it (without Internet) at imaging so post install you could connect with wifi and not just Ethernet.

It’s come a long way. But doesn’t anyone else remember when windows did not have drivers and you’d constantly be confronted with “have disk”?

I mean, the amount of drivers for old hardware I still have saved… Because before win10 nothing would reliability always fetch the driver you need from the net…


Ticking the non-free driver box was child’s play. As late as like 2012 I remember needing to download NDISwrapper so I could make the windows drivers work through a compatibility layer


Oh god, why did you have to trigger that memory???

be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

I mean, if you buy broadcom you reap what you sow. And 2012 was 11 years ago. ;-)


When I bought my laptop i was using windows and didn’t research Linux compatibility :(

And yup. A decade ago was when Linux turned a corner on the wifi driver front, 11 years ago was hell

be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

When I bought my laptop i was using windows and didn’t research Linux compatibility :(

I apologize for my general grumpiness this morning. Totally reasonable. :-)

And yup. A decade ago was when Linux turned a corner on the wifi driver front, 11 years ago was hell

I lol'd. :-)


I recall jaunty jackalope being the Ubuntu version that became my full time os. It was that version that my IBM x31 had everything taken care of on install with the third party drivers checked. I feel like the LTS version following that was where you could buy a generation previous of any hardware and it’d work without much fuss.


This reminds me of the big USB drive of drivers that we had at a PC repair shop. When Windows 7 failed to find drivers, we’d stick that in and give it a scan.


I remember that, but for Xp. Downloading a “driver pack”, pointing windows at the root of the folder, and praying.


The nvidia driver has had this bug for a year now, still unfixed. Games will randomly crash with an Xid 109 error in dmesg. Some people (including myself) are unable to play games like Cyberpunk, Resident Evil 2-3-4-7-8 and Metro Exodus. And it’s not linked to proton either, it sometimes also crashes xorg itself, forcing a reboot. I’m starting to think nvidia will never bother fixing it.


3% desktop marketshare, it’s stop to pick up money, not go out of your way money.

KSPAtlas, avatar

I just had to deal with nvidia breaking xwayland and making it unusable with an update

SeeMinusMinus, avatar

Just wait for the nvidia drivers lol


I haven’t had any recent issue with those either. Just make sure both the nvidia driver and the kernel are from your distros repository, and you always update them both at the same time.

SeeMinusMinus, avatar

My new laptop has a nvidia card in it. One time it stopped working after a update so I downgraded the drivers so I can wait entail the next update they do work. Besides that it have worked great. I am on fedora so rpmfusion is where the drivers are from.

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