Winco, Alright, I stopped scrolling. Now what? Do I write a disapproving letter to my local politician?
Urist, You install Hannah Montana Linux on their cars and their spouses.
name_NULL111653, Instructions unclear, a local senator’s wife throws a kernel error and won’t boot now… Help.
Coasting0942, Did you swipe the credit card through her cleavage or ass cleavage?
andrew_bidlaw, Push a LiveUSB inside her. It’s not rape if you are a sysadmin. Let’s see if you find something’s fishy down there.
WeLoveCastingSpellz, just insert a “live USB” and troubleshoot inside her
bartolomeo, But for gods sake don’t install on bare metal
tourist, you hijack cartoon network’s broadcast and play this meme over it until their lawyers physically beat you to death
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