The redpill is that there are none. You know how wndows search is absolute crap, but you can get actually decent search results with Powertoys Run? You know how instead of trolling through control pannel and Settings, you can just directly search for whatever configuration you need with god mode? You know how wndows has a package manager, but it is not even installed by default? Or how it supports hibernation (suspend-to-disk), but hides it from the power menu? Ask yourself, why add all of these useful features, and then hide them far away, while presenting the user with a painfully outdated interface bloated with crap like cpilot or crtana or whatever? The answer is that to remain relevant, Mcrosft needs to keep the computing experience painful for their users. If they make Wndows actually nice to use, people will swiftly realize that using your computer can actually be enjoyable. And that leads to trying out alternatives like BSD and Linux. And trying out alternatives leads to finding out that those alternatives are superior. Think about it. They’ve already lost in the server world. Once the remaining office workers and college students realize that mcrosft has been pissing in their mouths while telling them that it’s raining, the only userbase that will be left are “capital G” gming addicts. And that demographic is also slowly waning thanks to wine and the fact that modern vdeo gmes are slowly becoming utter trash.