shice, Here’s the Etsy link for them:
jupyter_rain, This is gold
ryan213, Legolas: I feel a slight tingling sensation. Aragorn: ride hard!
ChewbaccasClitoris, Gimli: [from the corner] That only counts as one!
DarkDarkHouse, You’re gonna hafta toss me!
elbucho, Aragorn’s an 80 year old homeless man who probably hasn’t had a bath in a while.
I doubt that coconut and sandlewood would be the dominant scents there is all I’m saying.
Pumafred9, I reckon Elrond has quite a high standard of personal hygiene, especially if one was to lay with his daughter.
21Cabbage, (edited ) Aragorn being given the elven hose treatment Rambo style.
elbucho, Well that image is now stuck in my head forever…
GBU_28, “it’s powdered sugar”
“It’s delicious”
GBU_28, He bathed in rivendell because he knew arwen was gonna come around
Apeman42, Suddenly I can hear Careless Whisper playing on an elven flute.
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